United States
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Hydrogen Review of 2022
Oct 2022
In order to wrap Season 3 of EAH appropriately we are honored to have our most popular EAH guest back with us Alicia Eastman President and Co-Founder of Intercontinental Energy is here to help us review the big hydrogen happenings of 2022 and preview some of the most important predictions and expectations for the sector coming for 2023.
The podcast can be found on their website.
The podcast can be found on their website.
The Prospects of Hydrogen in Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050: A Critical Review
May 2023
Hydrogen (H2) usage was 90 metric tonnes (Mt) in 2020 almost entirely for industrial and refining uses and generated almost completely from fossil fuels leading to nearly 900 Mt of carbon dioxide emissions. However there has been significant growth of H2 in recent years. Electrolysers' total capacity which are required to generate H2 from electricity has multiplied in the past years reaching more than 300 MW through 2021. Approximately 350 projects reportedly under construction could push total capacity to 54 GW by the year 2030. Some other 40 projects totalling output of more than 35 GW are in the planning phase. If each of these projects is completed global H2 production from electrolysers could exceed 8 Mt by 2030. It's an opportunity to take advantage of H2S prospects to be a crucial component of a clean safe and cost-effective sustainable future. This paper assesses the situation regarding H2 at the moment and provides recommendations for its potential future advancement. The study reveals that clean H2 is experiencing significant unparalleled commercial and political force with the amount of laws and projects all over the globe growing quickly. The paper concludes that in order to make H2 more widely employed it is crucial to significantly increase innovations and reduce costs. The practical and implementable suggestions provided to industries and governments will allow them to fully capitalise on this growing momentum.
Advancements in Hydrogen Energy Systems: A Review of Levelized Costs, Financial Incentives and Technological Innovations
Apr 2024
Hydrogen energy systems (HES) are increasingly recognized as pivotal in cutting global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions especially in transportation power generation and industrial sectors. This paper offers a comprehensive review of HES emphasizing their diverse applications and economic viability. By 2030 hydrogen energy is expected to revolutionize various sectors significantly impacting CO2 abatement and energy demand. In electricity and power generation hydrogen could reduce CO2 emissions by 50–100 million tons annually requiring 10–20 million tons of hydrogen and an investment of $50–100 billion underscoring its role in grid stabilization. Additionally in the heating sector hydrogen could facilitate a CO2 abatement of 30–50 million tons. We examine the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) production influenced by factors like production methods efficiency and infrastructure. While steam methane reforming is cost-effective it poses a larger environmental impact compared to electrolysis. The global life-cycle cost of hydrogen production decreases as production scales up with current costs ranging from $1–3 per kg for fossil-based sources to $3.4–7.5 per kg for electrolysis using low-emission electricity. These costs are projected to decrease especially for electrolytic hydrogen in regions with abundant solar energy. However despite the technical feasibility of decarbonization high production costs still pose challenges. A systematic and effective transition to a hydrogen economy requires comprehensive policy and financial support mechanisms including incentives subsidies tax measures and funding for research and development of pilot projects. Additionally the paper discusses hydrogen's role in advanced storage technologies such as hydrides and Japan's ENE-FARM solution for residential energy emphasizing the need for strategic investments across the hydrogen value chain to enhance HES competitiveness reduce LCOH and advance the learning rates of hydrogen production technologies.
Deep Decarbonisation Pathways of the Energy System in Times of Unprecedented Uncertainty in the Energy Sector
May 2023
Unprecedented investments in clean energy technology are required for a net-zero carbon energy system before temperatures breach the Paris Agreement goals. By performing a Monte-Carlo Analysis with the detailed ETSAPTIAM Integrated Assessment Model and by generating 4000 scenarios of the world’s energy system climate and economy we find that the uncertainty surrounding technology costs resource potentials climate sensitivity and the level of decoupling between energy demands and economic growth influence the efficiency of climate policies and accentuate investment risks in clean energy technologies. Contrary to other studies relying on exploring the uncertainty space via model intercomparison we find that the CO2 emissions and CO2 prices vary convexly and nonlinearly with the discount rate and climate sensitivity over time. Accounting for this uncertainty is important for designing climate policies and carbon prices to accelerate the transition. In 70% of the scenarios a 1.5 ◦C temperature overshoot was within this decade calling for immediate policy action. Delaying this action by ten years may result in 2 ◦C mitigation costs being similar to those required to reach the 1.5 ◦C target if started today with an immediate peak in emissions a larger uncertainty in the medium-term horizon and a higher effort for net-zero emissions.
Modeling the Global Annual Carbon Footprint for the Transportation Sector and a Path to Sustainability
Jun 2023
The transportation industry’s transition to carbon neutrality is essential for addressing sustainability concerns. This study details a model for calculating the carbon footprint of the transportation sector as it progresses towards carbon neutrality. The model aims to support policymakers in estimating the potential impact of various decisions regarding transportation technology and infrastructure. It accounts for energy demand technological advancements and infrastructure upgrades as they relate to each transportation market: passenger vehicles commercial vehicles aircraft watercraft and trains. A technology roadmap underlies this model outlining anticipated advancements in batteries hydrogen storage biofuels renewable grid electricity and carbon capture and sequestration. By estimating the demand and the technologies that comprise each transportation market the model estimates carbon emissions. Results indicate that based on the technology roadmap carbon neutrality can be achieved by 2070 for the transportation sector. Furthermore the model found that carbon neutrality can still be achieved with slippage in the technology development schedule; however delays in infrastructure updates will delay carbon neutrality while resulting in a substantial increase in the cumulative carbon footprint of the transportation sector.
Techno-Economic Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine Hybrid Systems for Stationary Power Applications Using Renewable Hydrogen
Jun 2023
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)–gas turbine (GT) hybrid systems can produce power at high electrical efficiencies while emitting virtually zero criteria pollutants (e.g. ozone carbon monoxide oxides of nitrogen and sulfur and particulate matters). This study presents new insights into renewable hydrogen (RH2 )-powered SOFC–GT hybrid systems with respect to their system configuration and techno-economic analysis motivated by the need for clean on-demand power. First three system configurations are thermodynamically assessed: (I) a reference case with no SOFC off-gas recirculation (II) a case with cathode off-gas recirculation and (III) a case with anode off-gas recirculation. While these configurations have been studied in isolation here we provide a detailed performance comparison. Moreover a techno-economic analysis is conducted to study the economic competitiveness of RH2 -fueled hybrid systems and the economies of scale by offering a comparison to natural gas (NG)-fueled systems. Results show that the case with anode off-gas recirculation with 68.50%-lower heating value (LHV) at a 10 MW scale has the highest efficiency among the studied scenarios. When moving from 10 MW to 50 MW the efficiency increases to 70.22%-LHV. These high efficiency values make SOFC–GT hybrid systems highly attractive in the context of a circular economy as they outcompete most other power generation technologies. The cost-of-electricity (COE) is reduced by about 10% when moving from 10 MW to 50 MW from USD 1976/kW to USD 1668/kW respectively. Renewable H2 is expected to be economically competitive with NG by 2030 when the U.S. Department of Energy’s target of USD 1/kg RH2 is reached.
Breaking the Hard-to-abate Bottleneck in China’s Path to Carbon Neutrality with Clean Hydrogen
Sep 2022
Countries such as China are facing a bottleneck in their paths to carbon neutrality: abating emissions in heavy industries and heavy-duty transport. There are few in-depth studies of the prospective role for clean hydrogen in these ‘hard-to-abate’ (HTA) sectors. Here we carry out an integrated dynamic least-cost modelling analysis. Results show that first clean hydrogen can be both a major energy carrier and feedstock that can significantly reduce carbon emissions of heavy industry. It can also fuel up to 50% of China’s heavy-duty truck and bus fleets by 2060 and significant shares of shipping. Second a realistic clean hydrogen scenario that reaches 65.7 Mt of production in 2060 could avoid US$1.72 trillion of new investment compared with a no-hydrogen scenario. This study provides evidence of the value of clean hydrogen in HTA sectors for China and countries facing similar challenges in reducing emissions to achieve net-zero goals.
Residential Fuel Transition and Fuel Interchangeability in Current Self-Aspirating Combustion Applications: Historical Development and Future Expectations
May 2022
To reduce greenhouse gases and air pollutants new technologies are emerging to reduce fossil fuel usage and to adopt more renewable energy sources. As the major aspects of fuel consumption power generation transportation and industrial applications have been given significant attention. The past few decades witnessed astonishing technological advancement in these energy sectors. In contrast the residential sector has had relatively little attention despite its significant utilization of fuels for a much longer period. However almost every energy transition in human history was initiated by the residential sector. For example the transition from fuelwood to cheap coal in the 1700s first took place in residential houses due to urbanization and industrialization. The present review demonstrates the energy transitions in the residential sector during the past two centuries while portending an upcoming energy transition and future energy structure for the residential sector. The feasibility of the 100% electrification of residential buildings is discussed based on current residential appliance adoption and the analysis indicates a hybrid residential energy structure is preferred over depending on a single energy source. Technical considerations and suggestions are given to help incorporate more renewable energy into the residential fuel supply system. Finally it is observed that compared to the numerous regulations on large energy-consumption aspects standards for residential appliances are scarce. Therefore it is concluded that establishing appropriate testing methods is a critical enabling step to facilitate the adoption of renewable fuels in future appliances.
Risk of the Hydrogen Economy for Atmospheric Methane
Dec 2022
Hydrogen (H2) is expected to play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However hydrogen losses to the atmosphere impact atmospheric chemistry including positive feedback on methane (CH4) the second most important greenhouse gas. Here we investigate through a minimalist model the response of atmospheric methane to fossil fuel displacement by hydrogen. We find that CH4 concentration may increase or decrease depending on the amount of hydrogen lost to the atmosphere and the methane emissions associated with hydrogen production. Green H2 can mitigate atmospheric methane if hydrogen losses throughout the value chain are below 9 ± 3%. Blue H2 can reduce methane emissions only if methane losses are below 1%. We address and discuss the main uncertainties in our results and the implications for the decarbonization of the energy sector.
Minimizing the Cost of Hydrogen Production through Dynamic Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrolyzer Operation
Jun 2022
Growing imbalances between electricity demand and supply from variable renewable energy sources (VREs) create increasingly large swings in electricity prices. Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolyzers can help to buffer against these imbalances and minimize the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) by ramping up production of hydrogen through high-current-density operation when low-cost electricity is abundant and ramping down current density to operate efficiently when electricity prices are high. We introduce a technoeconomic model that optimizes current density profiles for dynamically operated electrolyzers while accounting for the potential of increased degradation rates to minimize LCOH for any given time-of-use (TOU) electricity pricing. This model is used to predict LCOH from different methods of operating a PEM electrolyzer for historical and projected electricity prices in California and Texas which were chosen due to their high penetration of VREs. Results reveal that dynamic operation could enable reductions in LCOH ranging from 2% to 63% for historical 2020 pricing and 1% to 53% for projected 2030 pricing. Moreover high-current-density operation above 2.5 A cm2 is increasingly justified at electricity prices below $0.03 kWh1 . These findings suggest an actionable means of lowering LCOH and guide PEM electrolyzer development toward devices that can operate efficiently at a range of current densities.
Opportunities for Flexible Electricity Loads such as Hydrogen Production from Curtailed Generation
Jun 2021
Variable low-cost low-carbon electricity that would otherwise be curtailed may provide a substantial economic opportunity for entities that can flexibly adapt their electricity consumption. We used historical hourly weather data over the contiguous U.S. to model the characteristics of least-cost electricity systems dominated by variable renewable generation that powered firm and flexible electricity demands (loads). Scenarios evaluated included variable wind and solar power battery storage and dispatchable natural gas with carbon capture and storage with electrolytic hydrogen representing a prototypical flexible load. When flexible loads were small excess generation capacity was available during most hours allowing flexible loads to operate at high capacity factors. Expanding the flexible loads allowed the least-cost systems to more fully utilize the generation capacity built to supply firm loads and thus reduced the average cost of delivered electricity. The macro-scale energy model indicated that variable renewable electricity systems optimized to supply firm loads at current costs could supply 25% or more additional flexible load with minimal capacity expansion while resulting in reduced average electricity costs (10% or less capacity expansion and 10% to 20% reduction in costs in our modeled scenarios). These results indicate that adding flexible loads to electricity systems will likely allow more full utilization of generation assets across a wide range of system architectures thus providing new energy services with infrastructure that is already needed to supply firm electricity loads.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Using the Law and Regulation to Facilitate Hydrogen Development
Jun 2022
Burges Salmon’s energy lawyers are known for ground-breaking work in the energy power and utilities sector. They understand the opportunities the technologies and the challenges which the sector presents. Their reputation has been built upon first-of-a-kind projects and deals and an intimate knowledge of energy regulation. Burges Salmon specialists provide expert advice throughout the project/plant life cycle. Over the years this has in turn led to investors and funders requesting their services in the knowledge that they understand the key issues technologies face. They have a team of over 80 lawyers who focus on helping developers investors and funders achieve their aims in the sector. The team has won or been shortlisted for all the key industry awards in energy over the last decade.
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
How a Grid Company Could Enter the Hydrogen Industry through a New Business Model: A Case Study in China
Mar 2023
The increasing penetration of renewable and distributed resources signals a global boom in energy transition but traditional grid utilities have yet to share in much of the triumph at the current stage. Higher grid management costs lower electricity prices fewer customers and other challenges have emerged along the path toward renewable energy but many more opportunities await to be seized. Most importantly there are insufficient studies on how grid utilities can thrive within the hydrogen economy. Through a case study on the State Grid Corporation of China we identify the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats (SWOT) of grid utilities within the hydrogen economy. Based on these factors we recommend that grids integrate hydrogen into the energy-as-a-service model and deliver it to industrial customers who are under decarbonization pressure. We also recommend that grid utilities fund a joint venture with pipeline companies to optimize electricity and hydrogen transmissions simultaneously.
Green Hydrogen in Developing Countries
Aug 2020
In the future green hydrogen—hydrogen produced with renewable energy resources—could provide developing countries with a zero-carbon energy carrier to support national sustainable energy objectives and it needs further consideration by policy makers and investors. Developing countries with good renewable energy resources could produce green hydrogen locally generating economic opportunities and increasing energy security by reducing exposure to oil price volatility and supply disruptions. Support from development finance institutions and concessional funds could play an important role in deploying first-of-a-kind green hydrogen projects accelerating the uptake of green hydrogen in developing countries and increasing capacity and creating the necessary policy and regulatory enabling environment.
Development of Risk Mitigation Guidance for Hydrogen Sensor Placement Indoors and Outdoors
Sep 2021
Guidance on Sensor Placement remains one of the top priorities for the safe deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell equipment in the commercial marketplace. Building on the success of Phase l work reported at TCHS20l9 and published in TJHE this paper discusses the consecutive steps to further develop and validate such guidance for mechanically ventilated enclosures. The key step included a more in-depth analysis of sensitivity to variation of physical parameters in a small enclosure. and finally expansion of the developed approach to confined spaces in an outdoor environment.
Navigating the Implementation of Tax Credits for Natural-Gas-Based Low-Carbon-Intensity Hydrogen Projects
Mar 2024
This paper delves into the critical role of tax credits specifically Sections 45Q and 45V in the financing and economic feasibility of low-carbon-intensity hydrogen projects with a focus on natural-gas-based hydrogen production plants integrated with carbon capture and storage (CCS). This study covers the current clean energy landscape underscoring the importance of low-carbon hydrogen as a key component in the transition to a sustainable energy future and then explicates the mechanics of the 45Q and 45V tax credits illustrating their direct impact on enhancing the economic attractiveness of such projects through a detailed net present value (NPV) model analysis. Our analysis reveals that the application of 45Q and 45V tax credits significantly reduces the levelized cost of hydrogen production with scenarios indicating a reduction in cost ranging from USD 0.41/kg to USD 0.81/kg of hydrogen. Specifically the 45Q tax credit demonstrates a slightly more advantageous impact on reducing costs compared to the 45V tax credit underpinning the critical role of these fiscal measures in enhancing project returns and feasibility. Furthermore this paper addresses the inherent limitations of utilizing tax credits primarily the challenge posed by the mismatch between the scale of tax credits and the tax liability of the project developers. The concept and role of tax equity investments are discussed in response to this challenge. These findings contribute to the broader dialogue on the financing of sustainable energy projects providing valuable insights for policymakers investors and developers in the hydrogen energy sector. By quantifying the economic benefits of tax credits and elucidating the role of tax equity investments our research supports informed decision-making and strategic planning in the pursuit of a sustainable energy future.
A Study into Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Power and Voltage Prediction using Artificial Neural Network
Sep 2022
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) uses hydrogen as fuel to generate electricity and by-product water at relatively low operating temperatures which is environmentally friendly. Since PEMFC performance characteristics are inherently nonlinear and related predicting the best performance for the different operating conditions is essential to improve the system’s efficiency. Thus modeling using artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict its performance can significantly improve the capabilities of handling multi-variable nonlinear performance of the PEMFC. This paper predicts the electrical performance of a PEMFC stack under various operating conditions. The four input terms for the 5 W PEMFC include anode and cathode pressures and flow rates. The model performances are based on ANN using two different learning algorithms to estimate the stack voltage and power. The models have shown consistently to be comparable to the experimental data. All models with at least five hidden neurons have coefficients of determination of 0.95 or higher. Meanwhile the PEMFC voltage and power models have mean squared errors of less than 1 × 10−3 V and 1 × 10−3 W respectively. Therefore the model results demonstrate the potential use of ANN into the implementation of such models to predict the steady state behavior of the PEMFC system (not limited to polarization curves) for different operating conditions and help in the optimization process for achieving the best performance of the system.
Hydrogen Production from Water Electrolysis: Role of Catalysts
Feb 2021
As a promising substitute for fossil fuels hydrogen has emerged as a clean and renewable energy. A key challenge is the efcient production of hydrogen to meet the commercial-scale demand of hydrogen. Water splitting electrolysis is a promising pathway to achieve the efcient hydrogen production in terms of energy conversion and storage in which catalysis or electrocatalysis plays a critical role. The development of active stable and low-cost catalysts or electrocatalysts is an essential prerequisite for achieving the desired electrocatalytic hydrogen production from water splitting for practical use which constitutes the central focus of this review. It will start with an introduction of the water splitting performance evaluation of various electrocatalysts in terms of activity stability and efciency. This will be followed by outlining current knowledge on the two half-cell reactions hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in terms of reaction mechanisms in alkaline and acidic media. Recent advances in the design and preparation of nanostructured noble-metal and non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts will be dis‑ cussed. New strategies and insights in exploring the synergistic structure morphology composition and active sites of the nanostructured electrocatalysts for increasing the electrocatalytic activity and stability in HER and OER will be highlighted. Finally future challenges and perspectives in the design of active and robust electrocatalysts for HER and OER towards efcient production of hydrogen from water splitting electrolysis will also be outlined.
Effect of Au Plasmonic Material on Poly M-Toluidine for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Generation from Sewage Water
Feb 2022
This study provides H2 gas as a renewable energy source from sewage water splitting reaction using a PMT/Au photocathode. So this study has a dual benefit for hydrogen generation; at the same time it removes the contaminations of sewage water. The preparation of the PMT is carried out through the polymerization process from an acid medium. Then the Au sputter was carried out using the sputter device under different times (1 and 2 min) for PMT/Au-1 min and PMT/Au-2min respectively. The complete analyses confirm the chemical structure such as XRD FTIR HNMR SEM and Vis-UV optical analyses. The prepared electrode PMT/Au is used for the hydrogen generation reaction using Na2S2O3 or sewage water as an electrolyte. The PMT crystalline size is 15 nm. The incident photon to current efficiency (IPCE) efficiency increases from 2.3 to 3.6% (at 390 nm) and the number of H2 moles increases from 8.4 to 33.1 mmol h−1 cm−2 for using Na2S2O3 and sewage water as electrolyte respectively. Moreover all the thermodynamic parameters such as activation energy (Ea) enthalpy (∆H*) and entropy (∆S*) were calculated; additionally a simple mechanism is mentioned for the water-splitting reaction.
Safety Compliance Verification of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Exhaust
Sep 2021
NREL has been developing compliance verification tools for allowable hydrogen levels prescribed by the Global Technical Regulation Number 13 (GTR-13) for hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). As per GTR-13 FCEV exhaust is to remain below 4 vol% H2 over a 3-second moving average and shall not at any time exceed 8 vol% H2 and that this requirement is to be verified with an analyzer that has a response time of less than 300 ms. To be enforceable a means to verify regulatory requirements must exist. In response to this need NREL developed a prototype analyzer that meets the GTR metrological requirements for FCEV exhaust analysis. The analyzer was tested on a commercial fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) under simulated driving conditions using a chassis dynamometer at the Emissions Research and Measurement Section of Environment and Climate Change Canada and FCEV exhaust was successfully profiled. Although the prototype FCEV Exhaust Analyzer met the metrological requirements of GTR-13 the stability of the hydrogen sensor was adversely impacted by condensed water in the sample gas. FCEV exhaust is at an elevated temperature and nearly saturated with water vapor. Furthermore condensed water is present in the form of droplets. Condensed water in the sample gas collected from FCEV exhaust can accumulate on the hydrogen sensing element which would not only block access of hydrogen to the sensing element but can also permanently damage the sensor electronics. In the past year the design of the gas sampling system was modified to mitigate against the transport of liquid water to the sensing element. Laboratory testing confirmed the effectiveness of the modified sampling system water removal strategy while maintaining the measurement range and response time required by GTR-13. Testing of the upgraded analyzer design on an FCEV operating on a chassis dynamometer is scheduled for the summer of 2021.
Charting a Course for Decarbonizing Maritime Transport
Apr 2021
As the backbone of global trade international maritime transport connects the world and facilitates economic growth and development especially in developing countries. However producing around three percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emitting around 15 percent of some of the world’s major air pollutants shipping is a major contributor to climate change and air pollution. To mitigate its negative environmental impact shipping needs to abandon fossil-based bunker fuels and turn to zero-carbon alternatives. This report the “Summary for Policymakers and Industry” summarizes recent World Bank research on decarbonizing the maritime sector. The analysis identifies green ammonia and hydrogen as the most promising zero-carbon bunker fuels within the maritime industry at present. These fuels strike the most advantageous balance of favorable features relating to their lifecycle GHG emissions broader environmental factors scalability economics and technical and safety implications. The analysis also identifies that LNG will likely only play a limited role in shipping’s energy transition due to concerns over methane slip and stranded assets. Crucially the research reveals that decarbonizing maritime transport offers unique business and development opportunities for developing countries. Developing countries with large renewable energy resources could take advantage of the new and emerging future zero-carbon bunker fuel market estimated at over $1 trillion to establish new export markets while also modernizing their own domestic energy and industrial infrastructure. However strategic policy interventions are needed to hasten the sector’s energy transition.
Review of Sampling and Analysis of Particulate Matter in Hydrogen Fuel
Sep 2023
This review presents state-of-the-art for representative sampling of hydrogen from hydrogen refueling stations. Documented sampling strategies are presented as well as examples of commercially available equipment for sampling at the hydrogen refueling nozzle. Filter media used for sampling is listed and the performance of some of the filters evaluated. It was found that the filtration efficiency of 0.2 and 5 mm filters were not significantly different when exposed to 200 and 300 nm particles. Several procedures for gravimetric analysis are presented and some of the challenges are identified to be filter degradation pinhole formation and conditioning of the filter prior to measurement. Lack of standardization of procedures was identified as a limitation for result comparison. Finally the review summarizes results including particulate concentration in hydrogen fuel quality data published. It was found that less than 10% of the samples were in violation with the tolerance limit.
Grid Ancillary Services using Electrolyzer-based Power-to-Gas Systems with Increasing Renewable Penetration
Nov 2023
Increasing penetrations of renewable-based generation have led to a decrease in the bulk power system inertia and an increase in intermittency and uncertainty in generation. Energy storage is considered to be an important factor to help manage renewable energy generation at greater penetrations. Hydrogen is a viable long-term storage alternative. This paper analyzes and presents use cases for leveraging electrolyzer-based power-to-gas systems for electric grid support. The paper also discusses some grid services that may favor the use of hydrogenbased storage over other forms such as battery energy storage. Real-time controls are developed implemented and demonstrated using a power-hardware-in-the-loop(PHIL) setup with a 225-kW proton-exchange-membrane electrolyzer stack. These controls demonstrate frequency and voltage support for the grid for different levels of renewable penetration (0% 25% and 50%). A comparison of the results shows the changes in respective frequencies and voltages as seen as different buses as a result of support from the electrolyzers and notes the impact on hydrogen production as a result of grid support. Finally the paper discusses the practical nuances of implementing the tests with physical hardware such as inverter/electrolyzer efficiency as well as the related constraints and opportunities.
Economic Performance Evaluation of Flexible Centralised and Decentralised Blue Hydrogen Production Systems Design Under Uncertainty
Sep 2023
Blue hydrogen is viewed as an important energy vector in a decarbonised global economy but its large-scale and capital-intensive production displays economic performance vulnerabities in the face of increased market and regulatory uncertainty. This study analyses flexible (modular) blue hydrogen production plant designs and evaluates their effectiveness to enhance economic performance under uncertainty. The novelty of this work lies in the development of a comprehensive techno-economic evaluation framework that considers flexible centralised and decentralised blue hydrogen plant design alternatives in the presence of irreducible uncertainty whilst explicitly considering the time value of money economies of scale and learning effects. A case study of centralised and decentralised blue hydrogen production for the transport sector in the San Francisco area is developed to highlight the underlying value of flexibility. The proposed methodological framework considers various blue hydrogen plant designs (fixed phased and flexible) and compares them using relevant economic indicators (net present value (NPV) capex value-at-risk/gain etc.) through a detailed Monte Carlo simulation framework. Results indicate that flexible centralised hydrogen production yields greater economic value than alternative designs despite the associated cost-premium of modularity. It is also shown that the value of flexibility increases under greater uncertainty higher learning rates and weaker economies of scale. Moreover sensitivity analysis reveals that flexible design remains the preferred investment option over a wide range of market and regulatory conditions except for high initial hydrogen demand. Finally this study demonstrates that major regulatory and market uncertainties surrounding blue hydrogen production can be effectively managed through the application of flexible engineering system design that protects the investment from major downside risks whilst allowing access to favourable upside opportunities.
Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft at Airports: A Review of the Infrastructure Requirements and Planning Challenges
Nov 2023
Hydrogen-fueled aircraft are a promising innovation for a sustainable future in aviation. While hydrogen aircraft design has been widely studied research on airport requirements for new infrastructure associated with hydrogen-fueled aircraft and its integration with existing facilities is scarce. This study analyzes the current body of knowledge and identifies the planning challenges which need to be overcome to enable the operation of hydrogen flights at airports. An investigation of the preparation of seven major international airports for hydrogen-powered flights finds that although there is commitment airports are not currently prepared for hydrogen-based flights. Major adjustments are required across airport sites covering land use plans airside development utility infrastructure development and safety security and training. Developments are also required across the wider aviation industry including equipment updates such as for refueling and ground support and supportive policy and regulations for hydrogen-powered aircraft. The next 5–10 years is identified from the review as a critical time period for airports given that the first commercial hydrogen-powered flight is likely to depart in 2026 and that the next generation of short-range hydrogen-powered aircraft is predicted to enter service between 2030 and 2035.
Increasing Energy Efficiency of Hydrogen Refueling Stations via Optimal Thermodynamic Paths
Sep 2023
This work addresses the energy efficiency of hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) using a first principles model and optimal control methods to find minimal entropy production operating paths. The HRS model shows good agreement with experimental data achieving maximum state of charge and temperature discrepancies of 1 and 7% respectively. Model solution and optimization is achieved at a relatively low computational time (40 s) when compared to models of the same degree of accuracy. The entropy production mapping indicates the flow control valve as the main source of irreversibility accounting for 85% of the total entropy production in the process. The minimal entropy production refueling path achieves energy savings from 20 to 27% with respect to the SAE J2601 protocol depending on the ambient temperature. Finally the proposed method under nearreversible refueling conditions shows a theoretical reduction of 43% in the energy demand with respect to the SAE J2601 protocol.
Integration of Underground Green Hydrogen Storage in Hybrid Energy Generation
May 2024
One of the major challenges in harnessing energy from renewable sources like wind and solar is their intermittent nature. Energy production from these sources can vary based on weather conditions and time of day making it essential to store surplus energy for later use when there is a shortfall. Energy storage systems play a crucial role in addressing this intermittency issue and ensuring a stable and reliable energy supply. Green hydrogen sourced from renewables emerges as a promising solution to meet the rising demand for sustainable energy addressing the depletion of fossil fuels and environmental crises. In the present study underground hydrogen storage in various geological formations (aquifers depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs salt caverns) is examined emphasizing the need for a detailed geological analysis and addressing potential hazards. The paper discusses challenges associated with underground hydrogen storage including the requirement for extensive studies to understand hydrogen interactions with microorganisms. It underscores the importance of the issue with a focus on reviewing the the various past and present hydrogen storage projects and sites as well as reviewing the modeling studies in this field. The paper also emphasizes the importance of incorporating hybrid energy systems into hydrogen storage to overcome limitations associated with standalone hydrogen storage systems. It further explores the past and future integrations of underground storage of green hydrogen within this dynamic energy landscape.
An Overview of Challenges for the Future of Hydrogen
Oct 2023
Hydrogen’s wide availability and versatile production methods establish it as a primary green energy source driving substantial interest among the public industry and governments due to its future fuel potential. Notable investment is directed toward hydrogen research and material innovation for transmission storage fuel cells and sensors. Ensuring safe and dependable hydrogen facilities is paramount given the challenges in accident control. Addressing material compatibility issues within hydrogen systems remains a critical focus. Challenges roadmaps and scenarios steer long-term planning and technology outlooks. Strategic visions align actions and policies encompassing societal and ecological dimensions. The confluence of hydrogen’s promise with material progress holds the prospect of reshaping our energy landscape sustainably. Forming collective future perspectives to foresee this emerging technology’s potential benefits is valuable. Our review article comprehensively explores the forthcoming challenges in hydrogen technology. We extensively examine the challenges and opportunities associated with hydrogen production incorporating CO2 capture technology. Furthermore the interaction of materials and composites with hydrogen particularly in the context of hydrogen transmission pipeline and infrastructure are discussed to understand the interplay between materials and hydrogen dynamics. Additionally the exploration extends to the embrittlement phenomena during storage and transmission coupled with a comprehensive examination of the advancements and hurdles intrinsic to hydrogen fuel cells. Finally our exploration encompasses addressing hydrogen safety from an industrial perspective. By illuminating these dimensions our article provides a panoramic view of the evolving hydrogen landscape.
Modelling Underground Hydrogen Storage: A State-of-the-art Review of Fundamental Approaches and Findings
Dec 2023
This review presents a state-of-the-art of geochemical geomechanical and hydrodynamic modelling studies in the Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) domain. Geochemical modelling assessed the reactivity of hydrogen and res pective fluctuations in hydrogen losses using kinetic reaction rates rock mineralogy brine salinity and the integration of hydrogen redox reactions. Existing geomechanics studies offer an array of coupled hydromechanical models suggesting a decline in rock failure during the withdrawal phase in aquifers compared to injection phase. Hydrodynamic modelling evaluations indicate the critical importance of relative permeability hysteresis in determining the UHS performance. Solubility and diffusion of hydrogen gas appear to have minimal impact on UHS. Injection and production rates cushion gas deployment and reservoir heterogeneity however significantly affect the UHS performance stressing the need for thorough modelling and experimental studies. Most of the current UHS modelling efforts focus on assessing the hydrodynamic aspects which are crucial for understanding the viability and safety of UHS. In contrast the lesser-explored geochemical and geomechanical considerations point to potential research gaps. A variety of modelling software tools such as CMG Eclipse COMSOL and PHREEQC evaluated those UHS underlying effects along with a few recent applications of datadriven-based Machine Learning (ML) techniques for enhanced accuracy. This review identified several unresolved challenges in UHS modelling: pronounced lack of expansive datasets leading to a gap between model predictions and their practical reliability; need robust methodologies capable of capturing natural subsurface heterogeneity while upscaling from precise laboratory data to field-scale conditions; demanding intensive computational resources and novel strategies to enhance simulation efficiency; and a gap in addressing geological uncertainties in subsurface environments suggesting that methodologies from oil reservoir simulations could be adapted for UHS. This comprehensive review offers a critical synthesis of the prevailing approaches challenges and research gaps in the domain of UHS thus providing a valuable reference document for further modelling efforts facilitating the informed advancements in this critical domain towards the realization of sustainable energy solutions.
Impacts of Green Hydrogen for Steel, Ammonia, and Long-distance Transport on the Cost of Meeting Electricity, Heat, Cold, and Hydrogen Demand in 145 Countries Running on 100% Wind-water-solar
May 2023
As the world moves to clean renewable energy questions arise as to how best to produce and use hydrogen. Here we propose using hydrogen produced only by electrolysis with clean renewable electricity (green hydrogen). We then test the impact of producing such hydrogen intermittently versus continuously for steel and ammonia manufacturing and long-distance transport via fuel cells on the cost of matching electricity heat cold and hydrogen demand with supply and storage on grids worldwide. An estimated 79 32 and 91 Tg-H2/y of green hydrogen are needed in 2050 among 145 countries for steel ammonia and long-distance transport respectively. Producing and compressing such hydrogen for these processes may consume ~12.1% of the energy needed for end-use sectors in these countries after they transition to 100% wind-water-solar (WWS) in all such sectors. This is less than the energy needed for fossil fuels to power the same processes. Due to the variability of WWS electricity producing green hydrogen intermittently rather than continuously thus with electrolyzer use factors significantly below unity (0.2–0.65) may reduce overall energy costs with 100% WWS. This result is subject to model uncertainties but appears robust. In sum grid operators should incorporate intermittent green hydrogen production and use in planning.
Techno-economic Feasibility of Hybrid PV/wind/battery/thermal Storage Trigeneration System: Toward 100% Energy Independency and Green Hydrogen Production
Dec 2022
With the clear adverse impacts of fossil fuel-based energy systems on the climate and environment ever-growing interest and rapid developments are taking place toward full or nearly full dependence on renewable energies in the next few decades. Estonia is a European country with large demands for electricity and thermal energy for district heating. Considering it as the case study this work explores the feasibility and full potential of optimally sized photovoltaic (PV) wind and PV/wind systems equipped with electric and thermal storage to fulfill those demands. Given the large excess energy from 100% renewable energy systems for an entire country this excess is utilized to first meet the district heating demand and then to produce hydrogen fuel. Using simplified models for PV and wind systems and considering polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) electrolysis a genetic optimizer is employed for scanning Estonia for optimal installation sites of the three systems that maximize the fulfillment of the demand and the supply–demand matching while minimizing the cost of energy. The results demonstrate the feasibility of all systems fully covering the two demands while making a profit compared to selling the excess produced electricity directly. However the PV-driven system showed enormous required system capacity and amounts of excess energy with the limited solar resources in Estonia. The wind system showed relatively closer characteristics to the hybrid system but required a higher storage capacity by 75.77%. The hybrid PV/wind-driven system required a total capacity of 194 GW most of which belong to the wind system. It was also superior concerning the amount (15.05 × 109 tons) and cost (1.42 USD/kg) of the produced green hydrogen. With such full mapping of the installation capacities and techno-economic parameters of the three systems across the country this study can assist policymakers when planning different country-scale cogeneration systems.
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Insulation Materials for Cryogenic LH2 Storage Tanks: A Review
Nov 2022
An accurate estimation of the effective thermal conductivity of various insulation materials is essential in the evaluation of heat leak and boil-off rate from liquid hydrogen storage tanks. In this work we review the existing experimental data and various proposed correlations for predicting the effective conductivity of insulation systems consisting of powders foams fibrous materials and multilayer systems. We also propose a first principles-based correlation that may be used to estimate the dependence of the effective conductivity as a function of temperature interstitial gas composition pressure and structural properties of the material. We validate the proposed correlation using available experimental data for some common insulation materials. Further improvements and testing of the proposed correlation using laboratory scale data obtained using potential LH2 tank insulation materials are also discussed.
Prediction of Transient Hydrogen Flow of Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer Using Artificial Neural Network
Aug 2023
A proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer is fed with water and powered by electric power to electrochemically produce hydrogen at low operating temperatures and emits oxygen as a by-product. Due to the complex nature of the performance of PEM electrolyzers the application of an artificial neural network (ANN) is capable of predicting its dynamic characteristics. A handful of studies have examined and explored ANN in the prediction of the transient characteristics of PEM electrolyzers. This research explores the estimation of the transient behavior of a PEM electrolyzer stack under various operational conditions. Input variables in this study include stack current oxygen pressure hydrogen pressure and stack temperature. ANN models using three differing learning algorithms and time delay structures estimated the hydrogen mass flow rate which had transient behavior from 0 to 1 kg/h and forecasted better with a higher count (>5) of hidden layer neurons. A coefficient of determination of 0.84 and a mean squared error of less than 0.005 were recorded. The best-fitting model to predict the dynamic behavior of the hydrogen mass flow rate was an ANN model using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm with 40 neurons that had a coefficient of determination of 0.90 and a mean squared error of 0.00337. In conclusion optimally fit models of hydrogen flow from PEM electrolyzers utilizing artificial neural networks were developed. Such models are useful in establishing an agile flow control system for the electrolyzer system to help decrease power consumption and increase efficiency in hydrogen generation.
Policy Design for Diffusing Hydrogen Economy and Its Impact on the Japanese Economy for Carbon Neutrality by 2050: Analysis Using the E3ME-FTT Model
Nov 2023
To achieve carbon neutrality in Japan by 2050 renewable energy needs to be used as the main energy source. Based on the constraints of various renewable energies the importance of hydrogen cannot be ignored. This study aimed to investigate the diffusion of hydrogen demand technologies in various sectors and used projections and assumptions to investigate the hydrogen supply side. By performing simulations with the E3ME-FTT model and comparing various policy scenarios with the reference scenario the economic and environmental impacts of the policy scenarios for hydrogen diffusion were analyzed. Moreover the impact of realizing carbon neutrality by 2050 on the Japanese economy was evaluated. Our results revealed that large-scale decarbonization via hydrogen diffusion is possible (90% decrease of CO2 emissions in 2050 compared to the reference) without the loss of economic activity. Additionally investments in new hydrogen-based and other low-carbon technologies in the power sector freight road transport and iron and steel industry can improve the gross domestic product (1.6% increase in 2050 compared to the reference) as they invoke economic activity and require additional employment (0.6% increase in 2050 compared to the reference). Most of the employment gains are related to decarbonizing the power sector and scaling up the hydrogen supply sector while a lot of job losses can be expected in the mining and fossil fuel industries.
Model to Inform the Expansion of Hydrogen Distribution Infrastructure
Jul 2023
A growing hydrogen economy requires new hydrogen distribution infrastructure to link geographically distributed hubs of supply and demand. The Hydrogen Optimization with Deployment of Infrastructure (HOwDI) Model helps meet this requirement. The model is a spatially resolved optimization framework that determines location-specific hydrogen production and distribution infrastructure to cost-optimally meet a specified location-based demand. While these results are useful in understanding hydrogen infrastructure development there is uncertainty in some costs that the model uses for inputs. Thus the project team took the modeling effort a step further and developed a Monte Carlo methodology to help manage uncertainties. Seven scenarios were run using existing infrastructure and new demand in Texas exploring different policy and tax approaches. The inclusion of tax credits increased the percentage of runs that could deliver hydrogen at <$4/kg from 31% to 77% and decreased the average dispensed cost from $4.35/kg to $3.55/kg. However even with tax credits there are still some runs where unabated SMR is deployed to meet new demand as the low-carbon production options are not competitive. Every scenario except for the zero-carbon scenario (without tax credits) resulted in at least 20% of the runs meeting the $4/kg dispensed fuel cost target. This indicates that multiple pathways exist to deliver $4/kg hydrogen.
Optimal Design and Sizing of Hybrid Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell Electrical Power System
Aug 2023
Renewable energy solutions play a crucial role in addressing the growing energy demands while mitigating environmental concerns. This study examines the techno-economic viability and sensitivity of utilizing solar photovoltaic/polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells (FCs) to meet specific power demands in NEOM Saudi Arabia. The novelty of this study lies in its innovative approach to analyzing and optimizing PV/PEMFC systems aiming to highlight their economic feasibility and promote sustainable development in the region. The analysis focuses on determining the optimal size of the PV/PEMFC system based on two critical criteria: minimum cost of energy (COE) and minimum net present cost (NPC). The study considers PEMFCs with power ratings of 30 kW 40 kW and 50 kW along with four PV panel options: Jinko Solar Powerwave Tindo Karra and Trina Solar. The outcomes show that the 30 kW PEMFC and the 201 kW Trina Solar TSM-430NEG9R.28 are the most favorable choices for the case study. Under these optimal conditions the study reveals the lowest values for NPC at USD 703194 and COE at USD 0.498 per kilowatt-hour. The levelized cost of hydrogen falls within the range of USD 15.9 to 23.4 per kilogram. Furthermore replacing the 30 kW Trina solar panel with a 50 kW Tindo PV module results in a cost reduction of 32%. The findings emphasize the criticality of choosing optimal system configurations to attain favorable economic outcomes thereby facilitating the adoption and utilization of renewable energy sources in the region. In conclusion this study stands out for its pioneering and thorough analysis and optimization of PV/PEMFC systems providing valuable insights for sustainable energy planning in NEOM Saudi Arabia.
Renewable Energy Transport via Hydrogen Pipelines and HVDC Transmission Lines
May 2021
The majority penetration of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) will challenge the stability of electrical transmission grids due to unpredictable peaks and troughs of VRE generation. With renewable generation located further from high demand urban cores there will be a need to develop new transmission pathways to deliver the power. This paper compares the transport and storage of VRE through a hydrogen pipeline to the transport of VRE through a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission line. The analysis found a hydrogen pipeline can offer a cost-competitive method for VRE transmission compared to a HVDC transmission line on a life-cycle cost basis normalized by energy flows for distances at 1000 miles with 2030 technology. This finding has implications for policy makers project developers and system operators for the future development of transmission infrastructure projects given the additionality which hydrogen pipelines can provide in terms of energy storage.
Performance, Emissions, and Combustion Characteristics of a Hydrogen-Fueled Spark-Ignited Engine at Different Compression Ratios: Experimental and Numerical Investigation
Jul 2023
This paper investigates the performance of hydrogen-fueled spark-ignited single-cylinder Cooperative Fuel Research using experimental and numerical approaches. This study examines the effect of the air–fuel ratio on engine performance emissions and knock behaviour across different compression ratios. The results indicate that λ significantly affects both engine performance and emissions with a λ value of 2 yielding the highest efficiency and lowest emissions for all the tested compression ratios. Combustion analysis reveals normal combustion at λ ≥ 2 while knocking combustion occurs at λ < 2 irrespective of the tested compression ratios. The Livenwood–Wu integral approach was evaluated to assess the likelihood of end-gas autoignition based on fuel reactivity demonstrating that both normal and knocking combustion possibilities are consistent with experimental investigations. Combustion analysis at the ignition timing for maximum brake torque conditions demonstrates knock-free stable combustion up to λ = 3 with increased end-gas autoignition at lower λ values. To achieve knock-free combustion at those low λs the spark timings are significantly retarded to after top dead center crank angle position. Engine-out NOx emissions consistently increase in trend with a decrease in the air–fuel ratio of up to λ = 3 after which a distinct variation in NOx is observed with an increase in the compression ratio.
Critical Mineral Demands May Limit Scaling of Green Hydrogen Production
Jan 2024
Hydrogen (H2) is widely viewed as critical to the decarbonization of industry and transportation. Water electrolysis powered by renewable electricity commonly referred to as green H2 can be used to generate H2 with low carbon dioxide emissions. Herein we analyze the critical mineral and energy demands associated with green H2 production under three different hypothetical future demand scenarios ranging from 100–1000 Mtpa H2. For each scenario we calculate the critical mineral demands required to build water electrolyzers (i.e. electrodes and electrolyte) and to build dedicated or additional renewable electricity sources (i.e. wind and solar) to power the electrolyzers. Our analysis shows that scaling electrolyzer and renewable energy technologies that use platinum group metals and rare earth elements will likely face supply constraints. Specifically larger quantities of lanthanum yttrium or iridium will be needed to increase electrolyzer capacity and even more neodymium silicon zinc molybdenum aluminum and copper will be needed to build dedicated renewable electricity sources. We find that scaling green H2 production to meet projected netzero targets will require ~24000 TWh of dedicated renewable energy generation which is roughly the total amount of solar and wind projected to be on the grid in 2050 according to some energy transition models. In summary critical mineral constraints may hinder the scaling of green H2 to meet global net-zero emissions targets motivating the need for the research and development of alternative lowemission methods of generating H2
Populating the Hydrogen Component Reliability Database (HYCRED) with Incident Data from Hydrogen Dispensing
Sep 2023
Safety risk and reliability issues are vital to ensure the continuous and profitable operation of hydrogen technologies. Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) has been used to enable the safe deployment of engineering systems especially hydrogen fueling stations. However QRA studies require reliability data which are essential to collect to make the studies as realistic and relevant as possible. These data are currently lacking and data from other industries such as oil and gas are used in hydrogen system QRAs. This may lead to inaccurate results since hydrogen fueling stations have differences in physical properties system design and operational parameters when compared to other fueling stations thus necessitating new data sources are necessary to capture the effects of these differences. To address this gap we developed a structure for a hydrogen component reliability database (HyCReD) [1] which could be used to generate reliability data to be used in QRA studies. In this paper we demonstrate populating the HyCReD database with information extracted from new narrative reports on hydrogen fueling station incidents specifically focused on the dispensing processes. We analyze five new events and demonstrate the feasibility of populating the database and types of meaningful insights that can be obtained at this stage.
Market-based Asset Valuation of Hydrogen Geological Storage
Jul 2023
Because of hydrogen's low energy density hydrogen storage is a critical component of the hydrogen economy particularly when large-scale and flexible hydrogen utilization is required. There is a sense of urgency to develop hydrogen geological storage projects to support large-scale yet flexible hydrogen utilization. This study aims to answer questions not yet resolved in the research literature discussing the valuation of hydrogen geological storage options for commercial development. This study establishes a net present value (NPV) evaluation framework for geological hydrogen storage that integrates the updated techno-economic analysis and market-based operations. The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and the related finance theories are applied to determine the risk-adjusted discount rate in building the NPV evaluation framework. The NPV framework has been applied to two geological hydrogen storage projects a single-turn storage serving downstream transportation seasonal demand versus a multiturn storage as part of an integrated renewables-based hydrogen energy system providing peak electric load. From the NPV framework both projects have positive NPVs $46 560 632 and $12 457 546 respectively and International Rate of Return (IRR) values which are higher than the costs of capital. The NPV framework is also applied to the sensitivity analysis and shows that the hydrogen price spread between withdrawal and injection prices site development and well costs are the top three factors that impact both NPV and IRR the most for both projects. The established NPV framework can be used for project risk management by discovering the key cost drivers for the storage assets.
A Cost Comparison of Various Hourly-reliable and Net-zero Hydrogen Production Pathways in the United States
Nov 2023
Hydrogen (H2) as an energy carrier may play a role in various hard-to-abate subsectors but to maximize emission reductions supplied hydrogen must be reliable low-emission and low-cost. Here we build a model that enables direct comparison of the cost of producing net-zero hourly-reliable hydrogen from various pathways. To reach net-zero targets we assume upstream and residual facility emissions are mitigated using negative emission technologies. For the United States (California Texas and New York) model results indicate nextdecade hybrid electricity-based solutions are lower cost ($2.02-$2.88/kg) than fossil-based pathways with natural gas leakage greater than 4% ($2.73-$5.94/ kg). These results also apply to regions outside of the U.S. with a similar climate and electric grid. However when omitting the net-zero emission constraint and considering the U.S. regulatory environment electricity-based production only achieves cost-competitiveness with fossil-based pathways if embodied emissions of electricity inputs are not counted under U.S. Tax Code Section 45V guidance.
Reversible Molten Catalytic Methane Cracking Applied to Commercial Solar-Thermal Receivers
Nov 2020
When driven by sunlight molten catalytic methane cracking can produce clean hydrogen fuel from natural gas without greenhouse emissions. To design solar methane crackers a canonical plug flow reactor model was developed that spanned industrially relevant temperatures and pressures (1150–1350 Kelvin and 2–200 atmospheres). This model was then validated against published methane cracking data and used to screen power tower and beam-down reactor designs based on “Solar Two” a renewables technology demonstrator from the 1990s. Overall catalytic molten methane cracking is likely feasible in commercial beam-down solar reactors but not power towers. The best beam-down reactor design was 9% efficient in the capture of sunlight as fungible hydrogen fuel which approaches photovoltaic efficiencies. Conversely the best discovered tower methane cracker was only 1.7% efficient. Thus a beam-down reactor is likely tractable for solar methane cracking whereas power tower configurations appear infeasible. However the best simulated commercial reactors were heat transfer limited not reaction limited. Efficiencies could be higher if heat bottlenecks are removed from solar methane cracker designs. This work sets benchmark conditions and performance for future solar reactor improvement via design innovation and multiphysics simulation.
Experimental Comparison of Hydrogen Refueling with Directly Pressurized vs. Cascade Method
Aug 2023
This paper presents a comparative analysis of two hydrogen station configurations during the refueling process: the conventional “directly pressurized refueling process” and the innovative “cascade refueling process.” The objective of the cascade process is to refuel vehicles without the need for booster compressors. The experiments were conducted at the Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility located at California State University Los Angeles. In the cascade refueling process the facility buffer tanks were utilized as high-pressure storage enabling the refueling operation. Three different scenarios were tested: one involving the cascade refueling process and two involving compressor-driven refueling processes. On average each refueling event delivered 1.6 kg of hydrogen. Although the cascade refueling process using the high-pressure buffer tanks did not achieve the pressure target it resulted in a notable improvement in the nozzle outlet temperature trend reducing it by approximately 8 ◦C. Moreover the overall hydrogen chiller load for the two directly pressurized refuelings was 66 Wh/kg and 62 Wh/kg respectively whereas the cascading process only required 55 Wh/kg. This represents a 20% and 12% reduction in energy consumption compared to the scenarios involving booster compressors during fueling. The observed refueling range of 150–350 bar showed that the cascade process consistently required 12–20% less energy for hydrogen chilling. Additionally the nozzle outlet temperature demonstrated an approximate 8 ◦C improvement within this pressure range. These findings indicate that further improvements can be expected in the high-pressure region specifically above 350 bar. This research suggests the potential for significant improvements in the high-pressure range emphasizing the viability of the cascade refueling process as a promising alternative to the direct compression approach.
Minimizing Emissions from Grid-based Hydrogen Production in the United States
Jan 2023
Low-carbon hydrogen could be an important component of a net-zero carbon economy helping to mitigate emissions in a number of hard-to-abate sectors. The United States recently introduced an escalating production tax credit (PTC) to incentivize production of hydrogen meeting increasingly stringent embodied emissions thresholds. Hydrogen produced via electrolysis can qualify for the full subsidy under current federal accounting standards if the input electricity is generated by carbon-free resources but may fail to do so if emitting resources are present in the generation mix. While use of behind-the-meter carbon-free electricity inputs can guarantee compliance with this standard the PTC could also be structured to allow producers using grid-supplied electricity to qualify subject to certain clean energy procurement requirements. Herein we use electricity system capacity expansion modeling to quantitatively assess the impact of grid-connected electrolysis on the evolution of the power sector in the western United States through 2030 under multiple possible implementations of the clean hydrogen PTC. We find that subsidized grid-connected hydrogen production has the potential to induce additional emissions at effective rates worse than those of conventional fossil-based hydrogen production pathways. Emissions can be minimized by requiring grid-based hydrogen producers to match 100% of their electricity consumption on an hourly basis with physically deliverable ‘additional’ clean generation which ensures effective emissions rates equivalent to electrolysis exclusively supplied by behind-the-meter carbon-free generation. While these requirements cannot eliminate indirect emissions caused by competition for limited clean resources which we find to be a persistent result of large hydrogen production subsidies they consistently outperform alternative approaches relying on relaxed time matching or marginal emissions accounting. Added hydrogen production costs from enforcing an hourly matching requirement rather than no requirements are less than $1 kg−1 and can be near zero if clean firm electricity resources are available for procurement.
Global Land and Water Limits to Electrolytic Hydrogen Production Using Wind and Solar Resources
Sep 2023
Proposals for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 include scaling-up electrolytic hydrogen production however this poses technical economic and environmental challenges. One such challenge is for policymakers to ensure a sustainable future for the environment including freshwater and land resources while facilitating low-carbon hydrogen production using renewable wind and solar energy. We establish a country-by-country reference scenario for hydrogen demand in 2050 and compare it with land and water availability. Our analysis highlights countries that will be constrained by domestic natural resources to achieve electrolytic hydrogen self-sufficiency in a net-zero target. Depending on land allocation for the installation of solar panels or wind turbines less than 50% of hydrogen demand in 2050 could be met through a local production without land or water scarcity. Our findings identify potential importers and exporters of hydrogen or conversely exporters or importers of industries that would rely on electrolytic hydrogen. The abundance of land and water resources in Southern and Central-East Africa West Africa South America Canada and Australia make these countries potential leaders in hydrogen export.
Renewable-power-assisted Production of Hydrogen and Liquid Hydrocarbons from Natural Gas: Techno-economic Analysis
Jun 2022
The declining cost of renewable power has engendered growing interest in leveraging this power for the production of chemicals and synthetic fuels. Here renewable power is added to the gas-to-liquid (GTL) process through Fischer–Tropsch (FT) synthesis in order to increase process efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Accordingly two realistic configurations are considered which differ primarily in the syngas preparation step. In the first configuration solid oxide steam electrolysis cells (SOEC) in combination with an autothermal reformer (ATR) are used to produce synthesis gas with the right composition while in the second configuration an electrically-heated steam methane reformer (E-SMR) is utilized for syngas production. The results support the idea of adding power to the GTL process mainly by increased process efficiencies and reduced process emissions. Assuming renewable power is available the process emissions would be 200 and 400 gCO2 L1 syncrude for the first and second configurations respectively. Configuration 1 and 2 show 8 and 4 times less emission per liter syncrude produced respectively compared to a GTL plant without H2 addition with a process emission of 1570 gCO2 L1 syncrude. By studying the two designs based on FT production carbon efficiency and FT catalyst volume a better alternative is to add renewable power to the SOEC (configuration 1) rather than using it in an E-SMR (configuration 2). Given an electricity price of $100/MW h and natural gas price of 5 $ per GJ FT syncrude and H2 can be produced at a cost between $15/MW h and $16/MW h. These designs are considered to better utilize the available carbon resources and thus expedite the transition to a low-carbon economy
Near-term Infrastructure Rollout and Investment Strategies for Net-zero Hydrogen Supply Chains
Feb 2024
Low-carbon hydrogen plays a key role in European industrial decarbonization strategies. This work investigates the cost-optimal planning of European low-carbon hydrogen supply chains in the near term (2025–2035) comparing several hydrogen production technologies and considering multiple spatial scales. We focus on mature hydrogen production technologies: steam methane reforming of natural gas biomethane reforming biomass gasification and water electrolysis. The analysis includes carbon capture and storage for natural gas and biomass-derived hydrogen. We formulate and solve a linear optimization model that determines the costoptimal type size and location of hydrogen production and transport technologies in compliance with selected carbon emission targets including the EU fit for 55 target and an ambitious net-zero emissions target for 2035. Existing steam methane reforming capacities are considered and optimal carbon and biomass networks are designed. Findings identify biomass-based hydrogen production as the most cost-efficient hydrogen technology. Carbon capture and storage is installed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions while electrolysis remains costdisadvantageous and is deployed on a limited scale across all considered sensitivity scenarios. Our analysis highlights the importance of spatial resolution revealing that national perspectives underestimate costs by neglecting domestic transport needs and regional resource constraints emphasizing the necessity for highly decarbonized infrastructure designs aligned with renewable resource availabilities.
Examining the Nature of Two-dimensional Transverse Waves in Marginal Hydrogen Detonations using Boundary Layer Loss Modeling with Detailed Chemistry
Sep 2023
Historically it has been a challenge to simulate the experimentally observed cellular structures and marginal behavior of multidimensional hydrogen-oxygen detonations in the presence of losses even with detailed chemistry models. Very recently a quasi-two-dimensional inviscid approach was pursued where losses due to viscous boundary layers were modeled by the inclusion of an equivalent mass divergence in the lateral direction using Fay’s source term formulation with Mirels’ compressible boundary layer solutions. The same approach was used for this study along with the inclusion of thermally perfect detailed chemistry in order to capture the correct ignition sensitivity of the gas to dynamic changes in the thermodynamic state behind the detonation front. In addition the strength of transverse waves and their impact on the detonation front was investigated. Here the detailed San Diego mechanism was applied and it has been found that the detonation cell sizes can be accurately predicted without the need to prescribe specific parameters for the combustion model. For marginal cases where the detonation waves approach their failure limit quasi-stable mode behavior was observed where the number of transverse waves monotonically decreased to a single strong wave over a long enough distance. The strong transverse waves were also found to be slightly weaker than the detonation front indicating that they are not overdriven in agreement with recent studies.
Modelling Flexibility Requirements in Deep Decarbonisation Scenarios: The Role of Conventional Flexibility and Sector Coupling Options in the European 2050 Energy System
Feb 2024
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reaffirmed the importance of scaling up renewable energy to decarbonise Europe’s economy while rapidly reducing its exposure to foreign fossil fuel suppliers. Therefore the question of sources of flexibility to support a fully decarbonised European energy system is becoming even more critical in light of a renewable-dominated energy system. We developed and used a Pan-European energy system model to systematically assess and quantify sources of flexibility to meet deep decarbonisation targets. The electricity supply sector and electricity-based end-use technologies are crucial in achieving deep decarbonisation. Other low-carbon energy sources like biomethane hydrogen synthetic e-fuels and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage will also play a role. To support a fully decarbonised European energy system by 2050 both temporal and spatial flexibility will be needed. Spatial flexibility achieved through investments in national electricity networks and cross-border interconnections is crucial to support the aggressive roll-out of variable renewable energy sources. Cross-border trade in electricity is expected to increase and in deep decarbonisation scenarios the electricity transmission capacity will be larger than that of natural gas. Hydrogen storage and green hydrogen production will play a key role in providing traditional inter-seasonal flexibility and intraday flexibility will be provided by a combination of electrical energy storage hydrogen-based storage solutions (e.g. liquid H2 and pressurised storage) and hybrid heat pumps. Hydrogen networks and storage will become more critical as we move towards the highest decarbonisation scenario. Still the need for natural gas networks and storage will decrease substantially.
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