Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel Pipelines During Transients
May 2021
Blending hydrogen into natural gas pipelines is a recent alternative adopted for hydrogen transportation as a mixture with natural gas. In this paper hydrogen embrittlement of steel pipelines originally designed for natural gas transportation is investigated. Solubility permeation and diffusion phenomena of hydrogen molecules into the crystalline lattice structure of the pipeline material are followed up based on transient evolution of internal pressure applied on the pipeline wall. The transient regime is created through changes of gas demand depending on daily consumptions. As a result the pressure may reach excessive values that lead to the acceleration of hydrogen solubility and its diffusion through the pipeline wall. Furthermore permeation is an important parameter to determine the diffusion amount of hydrogen inside the pipeline wall resulting in the embrittlement of the material. The numerical obtained results have shown that using pipelines designed for natural gas conduction to transport hydrogen is a risky choice. Actually added to overpressure and great fluctuations during transients that may cause fatigue and damage the structure also the latter pressure evolution is likely to induce the diffusion phenomena of hydrogen molecules into the lattice of the structure leading to brittle the pipe material. The numerical simulation reposes on solving partial differential equations describing transient gas flow in pipelines coupled with the diffusion equation for mass transfer. The model is built using the finite elements based software COMSOL Multiphysics considering different cases of pipe material; API X52 (base metal and nutrided) and API X80 steels. Obtained results allowed tracking the evolution with time of hydrogen concentration through the pipeline internal wall based on the pressure variation due to transient gas flow. Such observation permits to estimate the amount of hydrogen diffused in the metal to avoid leakage of this flammable gas. Thus precautions may be taken to prevent explosive risks due to hydrogen embrittlement of steel pipelines among other effects that can lead to alter safe conditions of gas conduction.
Hydrogen Effect on the Cyclic Behavior of a Superelastic NiTi Archwire
Mar 2019
In this work we are interested in examining the strain rate effect on the mechanical behavior of Ni–Ti superelastic wires after hydrogen charging and ageing for 24 h. Specimens underwent 50 cycles of loading-unloading reaching an imposed deformation of 7.6%. During loading strain rates from 10−4 s−1 to 10−2 s−1 were achieved. With a strain rate of 10−2 s−1 the specimens were charged by hydrogen for 6 h and aged for one day showed a superelastic behavior marked by an increase in the residual deformation as a function of the number of cycles. In contrast after a few number of cycles with a strain rate of 10−4 s−1 the Ni-Ti alloy archwire specimens fractured in a brittle manner during the martensite transformation stage. The thermal desorption analysis showed that for immersed specimens the desorption peak of hydrogen appeared at 320 °C. However after annealing the charged specimens by hydrogen at 400 °C for 1 h an embrittlement took place at the last cycles for the lower strain rates of 10−4 s−1. The present study suggests that the embrittlement can be due to the development of an internal stress in the subsurface of the parent phase during hydrogen charging and due to the creation of cracks and local zones of plasticity after desorption.
Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Energy Management System for Smart Home Utilizing a Multi-agent System
Jul 2022
Green Hydrogen Microgrid System has been selected as a source of clean and renewable alternative energy because it is undergoing a global revolution and has been identified as a source of clean energy that may aid the country in achieving net-zero emissions in the coming years. The study proposes an innovative Microgrid Renewable hybrid system to achieve these targets. The proposed hybrid renewable energy system combines a photovoltaic generator (PVG) a fuel cell (FC) a supercapacitor (SC) and a home vehicle power supply (V2H) to provide energy for a predefined demand. The proposed architecture is connected to the grid and is highly dependent on solar energy during peak periods. During the night or shading period it uses FC as a backup power source. The SC assists the FC with high charge power. SC performs this way during load transients or quick load changes. A multi-agent system (MAS) was used to build a real energy management system (RT-HEMS) for intelligent coordination between components (MAS). The scheduling algorithm reduces energy consumption by managing the required automation devices without the need for additional network power. It will meet household energy requirements regardless of weather conditions including bright cloudy or rainy conditions. Implementation and discussion of the RT-HEMS ensures that the GHS is functioning properly and that the charge request is satisfied.
Advances in Methanol Production and Utilization, with Particular Emphasis toward Hydrogen Generation via Membrane Reactor Technology
Oct 2018
Methanol is currently considered one of the most useful chemical products and is a promising building block for obtaining more complex chemical compounds such as acetic acid methyl tertiary butyl ether dimethyl ether methylamine etc. Methanol is the simplest alcohol appearing as a colorless liquid and with a distinctive smell and can be produced by converting CO2 and H2 with the further benefit of significantly reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. Indeed methanol synthesis currently represents the second largest source of hydrogen consumption after ammonia production. Furthermore a wide range of literature is focused on methanol utilization as a convenient energy carrier for hydrogen production via steam and autothermal reforming partial oxidation methanol decomposition or methanol–water electrolysis reactions. Last but not least methanol supply for direct methanol fuel cells is a well-established technology for power production. The aim of this work is to propose an overview on the commonly used feedstocks (natural gas CO2 or char/biomass) and methanol production processes (from BASF—Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik to ICI—Imperial Chemical Industries process) as well as on membrane reactor technology utilization for generating high grade hydrogen from the catalytic conversion of methanol reviewing the most updated state of the art in this field.
Integration of Renewable-Energy-Based Green Hydrogen into the Energy Future
Sep 2023
There is a growing interest in green hydrogen with researchers institutions and countries focusing on its development efficiency improvement and cost reduction. This paper explores the concept of green hydrogen and its production process using renewable energy sources in several leading countries including Australia the European Union India Canada China Russia the United States South Korea South Africa Japan and other nations in North Africa. These regions possess significant potential for “green” hydrogen production supporting the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy and promoting environmental sustainability through the electrolysis process a common method of production. The paper also examines the benefits of green hydrogen as a future alternative to fossil fuels highlighting its superior environmental properties with zero net greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover it explores the potential advantages of green hydrogen utilization across various industrial commercial and transportation sectors. The research suggests that green hydrogen can be the fuel of the future when applied correctly in suitable applications with improvements in production and storage techniques as well as enhanced efficiency across multiple domains. Optimization strategies can be employed to maximize efficiency minimize costs and reduce environmental impact in the design and operation of green hydrogen production systems. International cooperation and collaborative efforts are crucial for the development of this technology and the realization of its full benefits.
Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Design and Control of a Hybrid System (Fuel Cell/Battery/Ultra-Capacitor) Supplied by Hydrogen
Apr 2019
Due to its high efficiency and reduced emissions new zero-emission hybrid electric vehicles have been selected as an attractive challenge for future transport applications. New zero -emission hybrid electric on the other hand has some major drawbacks from the complicated charging process. The hybrid electrical fuel cell system is introduced as the main source to intelligently control multi-source activities. An ultra-capacitor system is selected as the energy recovery assistance to monitor the fuel cell’s fast transient and peak power during critical periods. To regulate energy demand and supply an intelligent energy management system is proposed and tested through several constraints. The proposed approach system aims to act quickly against sudden circumstances related to hydrogen depletion in the prediction of the required fuel consumption basis. The proposed strategy tends to define the proper operating system according to energy demand and supply. The obtained results show that the designed system meets the targets set for the energy management unit by referring to an experimental velocity database.
Optimizing Green Hydrogen Strategies in Tunisia: A Combined SWOT-MCDM Approach
Oct 2024
Tunisia's rapid industrial expansion and population growth have created a pressing energy deficit despite the country's significant yet largely untapped renewable energy potential. This study addressed this challenge by developing a comprehensive framework to identify and evaluate strategies for promoting green hydrogen production from renewable energy sources in Tunisia. A Strength Weakness Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysis incorporating social economic and environmental dimensions was conducted to formulate potential solutions. The Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) method facilitated the weighting of SWOT factors and subfactors. Subsequently a multi-criteria decision-making approach employing the gray technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS-G) method (validated by gray additive ratio assessment (ARAS-G) gray complex proportional assessment (COPRAS-G) and gray multi-objective optimization by ratio analysis (MOORA-G) was used to rank the identified strategies. The SWOT analysis revealed "Strengths" as the most influential factor with a relative weight of 47.3% followed by "Weaknesses" (26.5%) "Threats" (15.6%) and "Opportunities" (10.6%). Specifically experts emphasized Tunisia's renewable energy potential (21.89%) and robust power system (12.11%) as primary strengths. Conversely high investment costs (11.2%) and political instability (7.77%) posed substantial threat. Positive socio-economic impacts represented a key opportunity with a score of 5.2%. As for the strategies prioritizing criteria production cost ranked first with a score of 13.5% followed by environmental impact (12.8%) renewable energy potential (12.0%) and mitigation costs (11.3%). The gray TOPSIS analysis identified two key strategies: leveraging Tunisia's wind and solar resources and fostering regional cooperation for project implementation. The robustness of these strategies is confirmed by the strong correlation between TOPSIS-G ARAS-G COPRAS-G and MOORA-G results. Overall the study provides a comprehensive roadmap and expert-informed decision-support tools offering valuable insights for policymakers investors and stakeholders in Tunisia and other emerging economies facing similar energy challenges.
Harnessing Enhanced Solar Efficiency for Green Hydrogen Production: A Comparative Analysis of PV and PV-T Systems
Dec 2024
Green hydrogen a critical element in the shift towards sustainable energy is traditionally produced by electrolysis powered by solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. This research explores the potential of underexploited photovoltaic thermal (PV-T) systems for efficient green hydrogen generation. This paper compares this advanced technology performance and economic viability against conventional PV setups. This paper uses TRNSYS simulation software to analyze two distinct solar-based hydrogen production configurations – PV and PV-T – across diverse climatic conditions in Doha Tunis and Stuttgart. The paper’s findings indicate that PV-T significantly outperforms PV in hydrogen generation across diverse climates (Doha Tunis Stuttgart). For instance in Doha PV-T systems increase hydrogen output by 78% in Tunis by 59% and in Stuttgart by 25%. An economic assessment reveals PV panels as the most cost-effective option with hydrogen production costs ranging from $4.92/kg to $9.66/kg across the studied locations. For PV-T collectors the hydrogen cost range from $6.66/kg to $16.80/kg across the studied locations. Nevertheless this research highlights the potential of PV-T technology to enhance the efficiency and economic viability of green hydrogen production. These findings offer valuable insights for policymakers investors and researchers pursuing more efficient solutions for sustainable energy.
Green Hydrogen Blending into the Tunisian Natural Gas Distributing System
Dec 2024
It is likely that blending hydrogen into natural gas grids could contribute to economy-wide decarbonization while retaining some of the benefits that natural gas networks offer energy systems. Hydrogen injection into existing natural gas infrastructure is recognised as a key solution for energy storage during periods of low electricity demand or high variable renewable energy penetration. In this scenario natural gas networks provide an energy vector parallel to the electricity grid offering additional energy transmission capacity and inherent storage capabilities. By incorporating green hydrogen into the NG network it becomes feasible to (i) address the current energy crisis (ii) reduce the carbon intensity of the gas grid and (iii) promote sector coupling through the utilisation of various renewable energy sources. This study gives an overview of various interchangeability indicators and investigates the permissible ratios for hydrogen blending with two types of natural gas distributed in Tunisia (ANG and MNG). Additionally it examines the impact of hydrogen injection on energy content variation and various combustion parameters. It is confirmed by the data that ANG and MNG can withstand a maximum hydrogen blend of up to 20%. The article’s conclusion emphasises the significance of evaluating infrastructure and safety standards related to Tunisia’s natural gas network and suggests more experimental testing of the findings. This research marks a critical step towards unlocking the potential of green hydrogen in Tunisia.
The Evolution of Green Hydrogen in Renewable Energy Research: Insights from a Bibliometric Perspective
Dec 2024
Green hydrogen generated from water through renewable energies like solar and wind is a key player in sus tainable energy. It only produces water when used making it a clean energy source. However the inconsistent nature of solar and wind energy highlights the need for storage solutions where green hydrogen is promising. This study uniquely combines green hydrogen (GH) and renewable energy (RE) domains using a comprehensive bibliometric approach covering 2018–2022. It identifies emerging trends collaboration networks and key contributors that shape the global landscape of GH research. Our findings show a significant yearly growth in this research field averaging 93.56 %. The study also identifies China Germany India and Italy as leaders among 76 countries involved in this area. Research trends have shifted from technical details to social and economic factors. Given the increasing global commitment to achieving carbon neutrality understanding the evolution and integration of GH within RE systems is essential for guiding future research policy-making and technology development. The analysis categorizes the research into seven main themes focusing on green hydrogen’s role in energy transition and storage. Other vital topics include improving hydrogen production methods assessing its climate impact examining its environmental benefits and exploring various production techniques like water electrolysis and photocatalysis. Our analysis reveals a 93.56 % annual growth rate in GH research highlighting key challenges in storage integration and policy development and offering a roadmap for future studies. The study highlights areas needing more exploration such as better storage methods integration with existing energy infrastructures risk management and policy development. The advancement of green hydrogen as a sustainable energy solution depends on innovative research international collaboration and supportive policy frameworks.
Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen Adoption for Decarbonizing Hard-to-Abate Industries: A Comprehensive Review
Feb 2024
The decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries is crucial for keeping global warming to below 2◦C. Green or renewable hydrogen synthesized through water electrolysis has emerged as a sustainable alternative for fossil fuels in energy-intensive sectors such as aluminum cement chemicals steel and transportation. However the scalability of green hydrogen production faces challenges including infrastructure gaps energy losses excessive power consumption and high costs throughout the value chain. Therefore this study analyzes the challenges within the green hydrogen value chain focusing on the development of nascent technologies. Presenting a comprehensive synthesis of contemporary knowledge this study assesses the potential impacts of green hydrogen on hard-to-abate sectors emphasizing the expansion of clean energy infrastructure. Through an exploration of emerging renewable hydrogen technologies the study investigates aspects such as economic feasibility sustainability assessments and the achievement of carbon neutrality. Additionally considerations extend to the potential for large-scale renewable electricity storage and the realization of net-zero goals. The findings of this study suggest that emerging technologies have the potential to significantly increase green hydrogen production offering affordable solutions for decarbonization. The study affirms that global-scale green hydrogen production could satisfy up to 24% of global energy needs by 2050 resulting in the abatement of 60 gigatons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - equivalent to 6% of total cumulative CO2 emission reductions. To comprehensively evaluate the impact of the hydrogen economy on ecosystem decarbonization this article analyzes the feasibility of three business models that emphasize choices for green hydrogen production and delivery. Finally the study proposes potential directions for future research on hydrogen valleys aiming to foster interconnected hydrogen ecosystems.
Control and Optimization of Hydrogen Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using GPS-Based Speed Estimation
Dec 2024
This paper investigates the feasibility of hydrogen-powered hybrid electric vehicles as a solution to transportation-related pollution. It focuses on optimizing energy use to improve efficiency and reduce emissions. The study details the creation and real-time performance assessment of a hydrogen hybrid electric vehicle (HHEV)system using an STM32F407VG board. This system includes a fuel cell (FC) as the main energy source a battery (Bat) to provide energy during hydrogen supply disruptions and a supercapacitor (SC) to handle power fluctuations. A multi-agent-based artificial intelligence tool is used to model the system components and an energy management algorithm (EMA) is applied to optimize energy use and support decision-making. Real Global Positioning System (GPS) data are analyzed to estimate energy consumption based on trip and speed parameters. The EMA developed and implemented in real-time using Matlab/Simulink(2016) identifies the most energy-efficient routes. The results show that the proposed vehicle architecture and management strategy effectively select optimal routes with minimal energy use.
Enhancing Hydrogen Gas Production in Electrolysis Cells with Ammonium Chloride and Solar PV Integration
Feb 2025
In this study the electrolysis of water by using ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) as an electrolyte was investigated for the production of hydrogen gas. The assembled electrochemical cell consists mainly of twenty-one stainless-steel electrodes and a direct current from a battery ammonium chloride solution. In the electrolysis process hydrogen and oxygen are developed at the same time and collected as a mixture to be used as a fuel. This study explores a technic regarding the matching of oxyhydrogen (HHO) electrolyzers with photovoltaic (PV) systems to make HHO gas. The primary objective of the present research is to enable the electrolyzer to operate independently of other energy origins functioning as a complete unit powered solely by PV. Moreover the impact of using PWM on cell operation was investigated. The experimental data was collected at various time intervals NH4Cl concentrations. Additionally the hydrogen unit consists of two cells with a shared positive pole fixed between them. Some undesirable anodic reaction affects the efficiency of hydrogen gas production because of the corrosion of anode to ferrous hydroxide (Fe(OH)2). Polyphosphate Inhibitor was used to minimize the corrosion reaction of anode and keep the efficiency of hydrogen gas flow. The optimal concentration of 3M for ammonium chloride was identified balancing a gas flow rate of 772 ml/min with minimal anode corrosion. Without PWM conversion efficiency ranges between 93% and 96%. Therefore PWM increased conversion efficiency by approximately 5% leading to a corresponding increase in hydrogen gas production.
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