Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emission Assessment for Using Alternative Marine Fuels: A Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) Case Study
Dec 2022
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set decarbonisation goals for the shipping industry. As a result shipowners and operators are preparing to use low- or zero-carbon alternative fuels. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission performances are fundamental for choosing suitable marine fuels. However the current regulations adopt tank-to-wake (TTW) emission assessment methods that could misrepresent the total climate impacts of fuels. To better understand the well-to-wake (WTW) GHG emission performances this work applied the life cycle assessment (LCA) method to a very large crude carrier (VLCC) sailing between the Middle East and China to investigate the emissions. The life cycle GHG emission impacts of using alternative fuels including liquified natural gas (LNG) methanol and ammonia were evaluated and compared with using marine gas oil (MGO). The bunkering site of the VLCC was in Zhoushan port China. The MGO and LNG were imported from overseas while methanol and ammonia were produced in China. Four production pathways for methanol and three production pathways for ammonia were examined. The results showed that compared with MGO using fossil energy-based methanol and ammonia has no positive effect in terms of annual WTW GHG emissions. The emission reduction effects of fuels ranking from highest to lowest were full solar and battery-based methanol full solar and battery-based ammonia and LNG. Because marine ammonia-fuelled engines have not been commercialised laboratory data were used to evaluate the nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. The GHG emission reduction potential of ammonia can be exploited more effectively if the N2O emitted from engines is captured and disposed of through after-treatment technologies. This paper discussed three scenarios of N2O emission abatement ratios of 30% 50% and 90%. The resulting emission reduction effects showed that using full solar and battery-based ammonia with 90% N2O abatement performs better than using full solar and battery-based methanol. The main innovation of this work is realising the LCA GHG emission assessment for a deep-sea ship.
A Numerical Study on Turquoise Hydrogen Production by Catalytic Decomposition of Methane
Feb 2023
Catalytic decomposition of methane (CDM) is a novel technology for turquoise hydrogen production with solid carbon as the by-product instead of CO2. A computational fluid dynamics model was developed to simulate the CDM process in a 3D fixed bed reactor accounting for the impact of carbon deposition on catalytic activity. The model was validated with experimental data and demonstrated its capability to predict hydrogen concentration and catalyst deactivation time under varying operating temperatures and methane flow rates. The catalyst lifespan was characterized by the maximum carbon yield (i.e. gC/gcat) which is a crucial indicator for determining the cost of hydrogen generation. Parametric studies were performed to analyse the effect of inlet gas composition and operating pressure on CDM performance. Various CH4/H2 ratios were simulated to improve the methane conversion efficiency generating a higher amount of hydrogen while increasing the maximum carbon yield up to 49.5 gC/gcat. Additionally higher operating pressure resulted in higher methane decomposition rates which reflects the nature of the chemical kinetics.
Progress and Challenges in Multi-stack Fuel Cell System for High Power Applications: Architecture and Energy Management
Jan 2023
With the development of fuel cells multi-stack fuel cell system (MFCS) for high power application has shown tremendous development potential owing to their obvious advantages including high efficiency durability reliability and pollution-free. Accordingly the state-of-the-art of MFCS is summarized and analyzed to advance its research. Firstly the MFCS applications are presented in high-power scenarios especially in transportation applications. Then to further investigate the MFCS MFCS including hydrogen and air subsystem thermal and water subsystem multi-stack architecture and prognostics and health monitoring are reviewed. It is noted that prognostics and health monitoring are investigated rarely in MFCS compared with previous research. In addition the efficiency and durability of MFCS are not only related to the application field and design principle but also the energy management strategy (EMS). The reason is that the EMS is crucial for lifespan cost and efficiency in the multi-stack fuel cell system. Finally the challenge and development potential of MFCS is proposed to provide insights and guidelines for future research.
A Review of the Status of Fossil and Renewable Energies in Southeast Asia and Its Implications on the Decarbonization of ASEAN
Mar 2022
The ten nations of Southeast Asia collectively known as ASEAN emitted 1.65 Gtpa CO2 in 2020 and are among the most vulnerable nations to climate change which is partially caused by anthropogenic CO2 emission. This paper analyzes the history of ASEAN energy consumption and CO2 emission from both fossil and renewable energies in the last two decades. The results show that ASEAN’s renewable energies resources range from low to moderate are unevenly distributed geographically and contributed to only 20% of total primary energy consumption (TPEC) in 2015. The dominant forms of renewable energies are hydropower solar photovoltaic and bioenergy. However both hydropower and bioenergy have substantial sustainability issues. Fossil energies depend heavily on coal and oil and contribute to 80% of TPEC. More importantly renewable energies’ contribution to TPEC has been decreasing in the last two decades despite the increasing installation capacity. This suggests that the current rate of the addition of renewable energy capacity is inadequate to allow ASEAN to reach net-zero by 2050. Therefore fossil energies will continue to be an important part of ASEAN’s energy mix. More tools such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) and hydrogen will be needed for decarbonization. CCS will be needed to decarbonize ASEAN’s fossil power and industrial plants while blue hydrogen will be needed to decarbonize hard-to-decarbonize industrial plants. Based on recent research into regional CO2 source-sink mapping this paper proposes six large-scale CCS projects in four countries which can mitigate up to 300 Mtpa CO2 . Furthermore this paper identifies common pathways for ASEAN decarbonization and their policy implications.
Roadmap to Achieving Sustainable Development via Green Hydrogen
Jan 2023
The conversion to renewable energy can be achieved when cities and communities start to depend on sustainable resources capable of providing for the basic needs of the community along with a reduction in the daily problems and issues that people face. These issues such as poverty hunger sanitation and economic difficulties are highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which aim to limit and eradicate these problems along with other environmental obstacles including climate change and Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). These SDGs containing 17 goals target each sector and provide propositions to solve such devastating problems. Hydrogen contributes to the targets of these sustainable developments since through its implementation in different industries the levels of GHG will drop and thus contribute to the climate change which Earth is facing. Further through the usage of such resources many job opportunities will also be developed thus enhancing the economy and lifting the status of society. This paper classifies the four different types of hydrogen and outlines the differences between them. The paper then emphasizes the importance of green hydrogen use within the shipping industry transportation and infrastructure along with economic and social development through job opportunities. Furthermore this paper provides case studies tackling green hydrogen status in the United Kingdom United States of America and European Union as well as Africa United Arab of Emirates and Asia. Finally challenges and recommendations concerning the green hydrogen industry are addressed. This paper aims to relate the use of green hydrogen to the direct and indirect goals of SDG.
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Alternative Fuels and Powertrains for Medium-duty Trucks: A Singapore Case Study
Mar 2022
Alternatives to conventional diesel engines in medium/heavy-duty commercial trucks offer promising solutions to decarbonize road freight. We compare the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from diesel battery electric (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell (FCV) medium-duty urban delivery trucks (gross vehicle weight 3.5 – 7 metric tonnes) in Singapore including the vehicle and fuel production use phase and end-of-life stages. Use phase energy demand was estimated by simulating energy consumption on local real-world driving cycles. BEVs powered by the 2019 electricity mix had up to 11% lower GHG emissions than conventional diesel but doubling battery capacity to meet travel range requirements resulted in up to 12% higher emissions. FCVs using gaseous hydrogen via steam methane reforming achieved 23 – 30% GHG reductions while satisfying range requirements. Efforts in obtaining updated and reliable data on vehicle production remain critical for assessments of emerging technologies and enacting evidence-based policies to decarbonize road freight.
Green Hydrogen Credit Subsidized Renewable Energy-hydrogen Business Models for Achieving the Carbon Netural Future
Feb 2024
The global resurgence of hydrogen as a clean energy source particularly green hydrogen derived from renewable energy is pivotal for achieving a carbon-neutral future. However scalability poses a significant challenge. This research proposes innovative business models leveraging the low-emission property of green hydrogen to reduce its financial costs thereby fostering its widespread adoption. Key components of the business workflow are elaborated mathematical formulations of market parameters are derived and case studies are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of these models. Results demonstrate that the substantial costs associated with the current hydrogen industry can be effectively subsidized via the implementation of proposed business models. When the carbon emission price falls within the range of approximately 86–105 USD/ton free access to hydrogen becomes a viable option for end-users. This highlights the significance and promising potential of the proposed business models within the green hydrogen credit framework.
The Future European Hydrogen Market: Market Design and Policy Recommendations to Support Market Development and Commodity Trading
May 2024
A key building block of the European Green Deal is the development of a hydrogen commodity market which requires a suitable hydrogen market design and the timely introduction of related policy measures. Using exploratory interviews with five expert groups we contribute to this novel research field by outlining the core market design criteria and proposing suitable regulations for the future European hydrogen market. We identify detailed recommendations along three core market design focus areas: Market development policy measures infrastructure regulations as well as hydrogen and certificate trading. Our findings provide an across-industry view of current policy-related key challenges in the hydrogen commodity market development and mitigation approaches. We therefore support policymakers within the EU in the ongoing detailing of their regulatory hydrogen and green energy packages. Further we promote hydrogen market development by assisting current and future industry players in finding a common understanding of the future hydrogen market design.
Feasibility of Green Hydrogen-Based Synthetic Fuel as a Carbon Utilization Option: An Economic Analysis
Sep 2023
Singapore has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 which requires the pursuit of multiple decarbonization pathways. CO2 utilization methods such as fuel production may provide a fast interim solution for carbon abatement. This paper evaluates the feasibility of green hydrogen-based synthetic fuel (synfuel) production as a method for utilizing captured CO2. We consider several scenarios: a baseline scenario with no changes local production of synfuel with hydrogen imports and overseas production of synfuel with CO2 exports. This paper aims to determine a CO2 price for synfuel production evaluate the economic viability of local versus overseas production and investigate the effect of different cost parameters on economic viability. Using the current literature we estimate the associated production and transport costs under each scenario. We introduce a CO2 utilization price (CUP) that estimates the price of utilizing captured CO2 to produce synfuel and an adjusted CO2 utilization price (CCUP) that takes into account the avoided emissions from crude oil-based fuel production. We find that overseas production is more economically viable compared to local production with the best case CCUP bounds giving a range of 142–148 $/tCO2 in 2050 if CO2 transport and fuel shipping costs are low. This is primarily due to the high cost of hydrogen feedstock especially the transport cost which can offset the combined costs of CO2 transport and fuel shipping. In general we find that any increase in the hydrogen feedstock cost can significantly affect the CCUP for local production. Sensitivity analysis reveals that hydrogen transport cost has a significant impact on the viability of local production and if this cost is reduced significantly local production can be cheaper than overseas production. The same is true if the economies of scale for local production is significantly better than overseas production. A significantly lower carbon capture cost can also the reduce the CCUP significantly.
A Systems-Level Study of Ammonia and Hydrogen for Maritime Transport
Aug 2023
An energy systems comparison of grid-electricity derived liquid hydrogen (LH2) and liquid ammonia (LNH3) is conducted to assess their relative potential in a low-carbon future. Under various voyage weather conditions their performance is analysed for use in cargo transport energy vectors for low-carbon electricity transport and fuel supply. The analysis relies on literature projections for technological development and grid decarbonisation towards 2050. Various voyages are investigated from regions such as North America (NA) Europe (E) and Latin America (LA) to regions projected to have a higher electricity and fuel grid carbon intensity (CI) (i.e. Asia Pacific Africa the Middle-East and the CIS). In terms of reducing the CI of electricity and fuel at the destination port use of LH2 is predicted to be favourable relative to LNH3 whereas LNH3 is favourable for low-carbon transport of cargo. As targeted by the International Maritime Organisation journeys of LNH3 cargo ships originating in NA E and LA achieve a reduction in volumetric energy efficiency design index (kg-CO2/m3 -km) of at least 70% relative to 2008 levels. The same targets can be met globally if LH2 is supplied to high CI regions for production of LNH3 for cargo transport. A future shipping system thus benefits from the use of both LH2 and LNH3 for different functions. However there are additional challenges associated with the use of LH2. Relative to LNH3 1.6 to 1.7 times the number of LH2 ships are required to deliver the same energy. Even when reliquefaction is employed their success is reliant on the avoidance of rough sea states (i.e. Beaufort Numbers >= 6) where fuel depletion rates during a voyage are impractical.
Work Efficiency and Economic Efficiency of Actual Driving Test of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Forklift
Aug 2023
A 3.5 tonne forklift containing proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and lithium-ion batteries was manufactured and tested in a real factory. The work efficiency and economic applicability of the PEMFC forklift were compared with that of a lithium-ion battery-powered forklift. The results showed that the back-pressure of air was closely related to the power density of the stack whose stability could be improved by a reasonable control strategy and membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) with high consistency. The PEMFC powered forklift displayed 40.6% higher work efficiency than the lithium-ion battery-powered forklift. Its lower use-cost compared to internal engine-powered forklifts is beneficial to the commercialization of this product.
Decarbonizing Natural Gas: A Review of Catalytic Decomposition and Carbon Formation Mechanisms
Apr 2022
In the context of energy conservation and the reduction of CO2 emissions inconsistencies between the inevitable emission of CO2 in traditional hydrogen production methods and eco-friendly targets have become more apparent over time. The catalytic decomposition of methane (CDM) is a novel technology capable of producing hydrogen without releasing CO2 . Since hydrogen produced via CDM is neither blue nor green the term “turquoise” is selected to describe this technology. Notably the by-products of methane cracking are simply carbon deposits with different structures which can offset the cost of hydrogen production cost should they be harvested. However the encapsulation of catalysts by such carbon deposits reduces the contact area between said catalysts and methane throughout the CDM process thereby rendering the continuous production of hydrogen impossible. This paper mainly covers the CDM reaction mechanisms of the three common metal-based catalysts (Ni Co Fe) from experimental and modelling approaches. The by-products of carbon modality and the key parameters that affect the carbon formation mechanisms are also discussed.
A Decarbonization Roadmap for Singapore and Its Energy Policy Implications
Oct 2021
As a signatory to the Paris Agreement Singapore is committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions in the second half of the century. In this paper we propose a decarbonization roadmap for Singapore based on an analysis of Singapore’s energy landscape and a technology mapping exercise. This roadmap consists of four major components. The first component which also underpins the other three components is using centralized post-combustion carbon capture technology to capture and compress CO2 emitted from multiple industrial sources in Jurong Island. The captured CO2 is then transported by ship or an existing natural gas pipeline to a neighboring country where it will be stored permanently in a subsurface reservoir. Important to the success of this first-of-a-kind cross-border carbon capture and storage (CCS) project is the establishment of a regional CCS corridor which makes use of economies of scale to reduce the cost of CO2 capture transport and injection. The second component of the roadmap is the production of hydrogen in a methane steam reforming plant which is integrated with the carbon capture plant. The third component is the modernizing of the refining sector by introducing biorefineries increasing output to petrochemical plants and employing post-combustion carbon capture. The fourth component is refueling the transport sector by introducing electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles using biofuels for aviation and hydrogen for marine vessels. The implications of this roadmap on Singapore’s energy policies are also discussed.
Interchangeability of Hydrogen Injection in Zhejiang Natural Gas Pipelines as a Means to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
Sep 2022
The blending of hydrogen gas into natural gas pipelines is an effective way of achieving the goal of carbon neutrality. Due to the large differences in the calorific values of natural gas from different sources the calorific value of natural gas after mixing with hydrogen may not meet the quality requirements of natural gas and the quality of natural gas entering long-distance natural gas and urban gas pipelines also has different requirements. Therefore it is necessary to study the effect of multiple gas sources and different pipe network types on the differences in the calorific values of natural gas following hydrogen admixing. In this regard this study aimed to determine the quality requirements and proportions of hydrogen-mixed gas in natural gas pipelines at home and abroad and systematically determined the quality requirements for natural gas entering both long-distance natural gas and urban gas pipelines in combination with national standards. Taking the real calorific values of the gas supply cycle of seven atmospheric sources as an example the calorific and Wobbe Index values for different hydrogen admixture ratios in a one-year cycle were calculated. The results showed that under the requirement of natural gas interchangeability there were great differences in the proportions of natural gas mixed with hydrogen from different gas sources. When determining the proportion of hydrogen mixed with natural gas both the factors of different gas sources and the factors of the gas supply cycle should be considered.
Modelling of Boil‐Off and Sloshing Relevant to Future Liquid Hydrogen Carriers
Mar 2022
This study presents an approach for estimating fuel boil‐off behaviour in cryogenic energy carrier ships such as future liquid hydrogen (LH2) carriers. By relying on thermodynamic model‐ ling and empirical formulas for ship motion and propulsion the approach can be used to investigate boil‐off as a function of tank properties weather conditions and operating velocities during a laden voyage. The model is first calibrated against data from a liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier and is consequently used to investigate various design configurations of an LH2 ship. Results indicate that an LH2 ship with the same tank volume and glass wool insulation thickness as a conventional LNG carrier stores 40% of the fuel energy and is characterised by a boil‐off rate nine times higher and twice as sensitive to sloshing. Adding a reliquefaction unit can reduce the LH2 fuel depletion rate by at least 38.7% but can increase its variability regarding velocity and weather conditions. In calm weather LH2 boil‐off rates can only meet LNG carrier standards by utilising at least 6.6 times the insulation thickness. By adopting fuel cell propulsion in an LH2 ship a 1.1% increase in fuel delivery is expected. An LH2 ship with fuel cells and reliquefaction is required to be at least 1.7 times larger than an existing LNG carrierto deliverthe same energy. Further comparison of alternative scenarios indicates that LH2 carriers necessitate significant redesigns if LNG carrier standards are desired. The present approach can assist future feasibility studies featuring other vessels and propulsion technologies and can be seen as an extendable framework that can predict boil‐off in real‐time.
Molybdenum Carbide Microcrystals: Efficient and Stable Catalyst for Photocatalytic H2 Evolution From Water in The Presence Of Dye Sensitizer
Sep 2016
Rod-like molybdenum carbide (Mo2C) microcrystals were obtained from the pyrolysis of Mo-containing organic-inorganic hybrid composite. We investigated the photocatalytic H2 evolution activity of Mo2C by constructing a Mo2C-dye sensitizer photocatalyst system. A high quantum efficiency of 29.7% was obtained at 480 nm. Moreover Mo2C catalyst can be easily recycled by simple filtration.
Hydrogen Refueling Stations and Carbon Emission Reduction of Coastal Expressways: A Deployment Model and Multi-Scenario Analysis
Jul 2022
Hydrogen is considered to the ultimate solution to achieve carbon emission reduction due to its wide sources and high calorific value as well as non-polluting renewable and storable advantages. This paper starts from the coastal areas uses offshore wind power hydrogen production as the hydrogen source and focuses on the combination of hydrogen supply chain network design and hydrogen expressway hydrogen refueling station layout optimization. It proposes a comprehensive mathematical model of hydrogen supply chain network based on cost analysis which determined the optimal size and location of hydrogen refueling stations on hydrogen expressways in coastal areas. Under the multi-scenario and multi-case optimization results the location of the hydrogen refueling station can effectively cover the road sections of each case and the unit hydrogen cost of the hydrogen supply chain network is between 11.8 and 15.0 USD/kgH2 . Meanwhile it was found that the transportation distance and the number of hydrogen sources play a decisive role on the cost of hydrogen in the supply chain network and the location of hydrogen sources have a decisive influence on the location of hydrogen refueling stations. In addition carbon emission reduction results of hydrogen supply chain network show that the carbon emission reduction per unit hydrogen production is 15.51 kgCO2/kgH2 at the production side. The CO2 emission can be reduced by 68.3 kgCO2/km and 6.35 kgCO2/kgH2 per unit mileage and per unit hydrogen demand at the application side respectively. The layout planning utilization of hydrogen energy expressway has a positive impact on energy saving and emission reduction.
An Energy Systems Model of a Large Commercial Liquid Hydrogen Aircraft in a Low-carbon Future
Apr 2023
Liquid hydrogen (LH2) aircraft have the potential to achieve carbon neutrality. However if the hydrogen is produced using electricity grids that utilise fossil fuel they have a non-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emission associated with their well-to-wing pathway. To assess the potential of LH2 in aviation decarbonisation an energy systems comparison of large commercial LH2 liquified natural gas (LNG) conventional Jet-A and LH2 dual-fuel aircraft is presented. The performance of each aircraft is compared towards 2050 over which three system changes occur: (1) LH2 aircraft technology develops; (2) both world average and region-specific grid electricity which is used to produce the hydrogen decarbonises; and (3) the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) emissions targets which are used to restrict the passenger-range performance of each aircraft tighten. In 2050 the emissions of all aircraft are thus constrained to 0.063 kg-CO2/p-km relative to 0.110 kg-CO2/p-km for the unconstrained Jet A fuelled Boeing 787-8. It is estimated that in this year an LH2 aircraft powered by fuel cells and sourcing world average electricity can travel 6000 km 20% further than the conventional Jet A aircraft that is also constrained to meet the IATA targets but not as far as the LNG aircraft. At its maximum range the LH2 aircraft carries 84% of the Jet A passenger demand. Analysis using region-specific hydrogen indicates that LH2 aircraft can travel further than LNG aircraft in North America only accounting for 17% of the global demand. 1.59 times the current aviation energy consumption is required if all conventional aircraft are replaced with LH2 designs. Under stricter emissions constraints than those outlined by the IATA LH2 outperforms LNG in Europe and the Americas accounting for 41% of the global demand. Also in these regions the range energy consumption and passenger capacity of LH2 aircraft can be improved upon by combining the advantages of LH2 with LNG in dual-fuel aircraft concepts. The use of LH2 is therefore advantageous within several prominent niches of a future decarbonising aviation system.
A Multi-objective Planning Tool for the Optimal Supply of Green Hydrogen for an Inustrial Port Area Decarbonisation
Jul 2024
This study addresses the challenge of decarbonizing highly energy-intensive Industrial Port Areas (IPA) focusing on emissions from various sources like ship traffic warehouses buildings cargo handling equipment and hardto-abate industry typically hosted in port areas. The analysis and proposal of technological solutions and their optimal integration in the context of IPA is a topic of growing scientific interest with considerable social and economic implications. Representing the main novelties of the work this study introduces (i) the development of a novel IPA energy and green hydrogen hub located in a tropical region (Singapore); (ii) a multi-objective optimization approach to analyse synthesize and optimize the design and operation of the hydrogen and energy hub with the aim of supporting decision-making for decarbonization investments. A sensitivity analysis identifies key parameters affecting optimization results indicating that for large hydrogen demands imported ammonia economically outperforms other green hydrogen carriers. Conversely local hydrogen production via electrolysis becomes economically viable when the capital cost of alkaline electrolyser drops by at least 30 %. Carbon tax influences the choice of green hydrogen but its price variation mainly impacts system operation rather than design. Fuel cells and batteries are not considered economically feasible solutions in any scenario.
A 500 kW Hydrogen Fuel Cell-powered Vessel: From Concept to Sailing
Sep 2024
This paper presents the “Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat No. 1” a novel green hydrogen-powered vessel that has been successfully delivered and is currently sailing. This vessel integrated with a hydrogen production and bunkering station at its dedicated dock achieves zero-carbon emissions. It stores 240 kg of 35 MPa gaseous hydrogen and has a fuel cell system rated at 500 kW. We analysed the engineering details of the marine hydrogen system including hydrogen bunkering storage supply fuel cell and the hybrid power system with lithium-ion batteries. In the first bunkering trial the vessel was safely refuelled with 200 kg of gaseous hydrogen in 156 min via a bunkering station 13 m above the water surface. The maximum hydrogen pressure and temperature recorded during bunkering were 35.05 MPa and 39.04 ◦C respectively demonstrating safe and reliable shore-toship bunkering. For the sea trial the marine hydrogen system operated successfully during a 3-h voyage achieving a maximum speed of 28.15 km/h (15.2 knots) at rated propulsion power. The vessel exhibited minimal noise and vibration and its dynamic response met load change requirements. To prevent rapid load changes to the fuel cells 68 s were used to reach 483 kW from startup and 62 s from 480 kW to zero. The successful bunkering and operation of this hydrogen-powered vessel demonstrates the feasibility of zero-carbon emission maritime transport. However four lessons were identified concerning bunkering speed hydrogen cylinder leakage hydrogen pressure regulator malfunctions and fuel cell room space. The novelty of this work lies in the practical demonstration of a fully operational hydrogen-powered maritime vessel achieving zero emissions encompassing its design building operation and lessons learned. These parameters and findings can be used as a baseline for further engineering research.
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