Hydrogen Production from Instant Noodle Wastewater by Organic Electrocatalyst Coated on PVC Surface
Mar 2020
The potential of electron-donating capability in methoxy groups of antioxidant containing protein (ACAP) as organic catalyst is restricted by its low isoelectric point. The goal of this study is to construct endure ACAP based metal-free organic catalyst for hydrogen production from electrolysis of noodle wastewater. The ACAP was coated thermomechanically on PVC sheet and its performance was tested during electrolysis of noodle wastewater. The morphological analysis phase analysis and elemental analysis of coated materials have shown a simultaneous pattern with electrolysis performances. The use of graphite flake to cover turmeric ACAP obstructs the electron to attack directly the positive charge of ACAP so that the electrocatalytic endurance increases while maintaining the hydrogen production rate. The combination of phenolic and enzymatic ACAPs is found to have the slowest reaction rate and lowest hydrogen production. The phenolic compound inhibits the enzymatic reaction.
A Comprehensive Review on the Recent Development of Ammonia as a Renewable Energy Carrier
Jun 2021
Global energy sources are being transformed from hydrocarbon-based energy sources to renewable and carbon-free energy sources such as wind solar and hydrogen. The biggest challenge with hydrogen as a renewable energy carrier is the storage and delivery system’s complexity. Therefore other media such as ammonia for indirect storage are now being considered. Research has shown that at reasonable pressures ammonia is easily contained as a liquid. In this form energy density is approximately half of that of gasoline and ten times more than batteries. Ammonia can provide effective storage of renewable energy through its existing storage and distribution network. In this article we aimed to analyse the previous studies and the current research on the preparation of ammonia as a next-generation renewable energy carrier. The study focuses on technical advances emerging in ammonia synthesis technologies such as photocatalysis electrocatalysis and plasmacatalysis. Ammonia is now also strongly regarded as fuel in the transport industrial and power sectors and is relatively more versatile in reducing CO2 emissions. Therefore the utilisation of ammonia as a renewable energy carrier plays a significant role in reducing GHG emissions. Finally the simplicity of ammonia processing transport and use makes it an appealing choice for the link between the development of renewable energy and demand.
The Effect of Hydrogen Content and Yield Strength on the Distribution of Hydrogen in Steel a Diffusion Coupled Micromechanical FEM Study
Mar 2021
In this study we investigate the effect of the heterogeneous micromechanical stress fields resulting from the grain-scale anisotropy on the redistribution of hydrogen using a diffusion coupled crystal plasticity model. A representative volume element with periodic boundary conditions was used to model a synthetic microstructure. The effect of tensile loading initial hydrogen content and yield strength on the redistribution of lattice (CL) and dislocation trapped (Cx) hydrogen was studied. It was found that the heterogeneous micromechanical stress fields resulted in the accumulation of both populations primarily at the grain boundaries. This shows that in addition to the well-known grain boundary trapping the interplay of the heterogeneous micromechanical hydrostatic stresses and plastic strains contribute to the accumulation of hydrogen at the grain boundaries. Higher yield strength reduced the amount of Cx due to the resulting lower plastic deformation levels. On the other side the resulting higher hydrostatic stresses increased the depletion of CL from the compressive regions and its diffusion toward the tensile ones. These regions with increased CL are expected to be potential damage initiation zones. This aligns with the observations that high-strength steels are more susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement than those with lower-strength.
Ammonia as Effective Hydrogen Storage: A Review on Production, Storage and Utilization
Jun 2020
Ammonia is considered to be a potential medium for hydrogen storage facilitating CO2-free energy systems in the future. Its high volumetric hydrogen density low storage pressure and stability for long-term storage are among the beneficial characteristics of ammonia for hydrogen storage. Furthermore ammonia is also considered safe due to its high auto ignition temperature low condensation pressure and lower gas density than air. Ammonia can be produced from many different types of primary energy sources including renewables fossil fuels and surplus energy (especially surplus electricity from the grid). In the utilization site the energy from ammonia can be harvested directly as fuel or initially decomposed to hydrogen for many options of hydrogen utilization. This review describes several potential technologies in current conditions and in the future for ammonia production storage and utilization. Ammonia production includes the currently adopted Haber–Bosch electrochemical and thermochemical cycle processes. Furthermore in this study the utilization of ammonia is focused mainly on the possible direct utilization of ammonia due to its higher total energy efficiency covering the internal combustion engine combustion for gas turbines and the direct ammonia fuel cell. Ammonia decomposition is also described in order to give a glance at its progress and problems. Finally challenges and recommendations are also given toward the further development of the utilization of ammonia for hydrogen storage.
Co-production of Hydrogen and Power from Black Liquor Via Supercritical Water Gasification, Chemical Looping and Power Generation
Mar 2019
An integrated system to harvest efficiently the energy from the waste of pulp mill industry which is black liquor (BL) is proposed and evaluated. The proposed system consists of the supercritical water gasification (SCWG) of BL syngas chemical looping and power generation. To minimize the exergy loss throughout the system and to optimize the energy efficiency process design and integration is conducted by employing the principles of exergy recovery and process integration methods. Hydrogen is set as the main output while power is produced by utilizing the heat generated throughout the process. Process simulation is conducted using a steady state process simulator Aspen Plus. Energy efficiency is defined into three categories: hydrogen production efficiency power generation efficiency and total energy efficiency. From process simulation both of the integrated systems show very high total energy efficiency of about 73%.
HYDRIDE4MOBILITY: An EU HORIZON 2020 Project on Hydrogen Powered Fuel Cell Utility Vehicles Using Metal Hydrides in Hydrogen Storage and Refuelling Systems
Feb 2021
Volodymyr A. Yartys,
Mykhaylo V. Lototskyy,
Vladimir Linkov,
Sivakumar Pasupathi,
Moegamat Wafeeq Davids,
Gojmir Radica,
Roman V. Denys,
Jon Eriksen,
José Bellosta von Colbe,
Klaus Taube,
Giovanni Capurso,
Martin Dornheim,
Fahmida Smith,
Delisile Mathebula,
Dana Swanepoel,
Suwarno Suwarno and
Ivan Tolj
The goal of the EU Horizon 2020 RISE project 778307 “Hydrogen fuelled utility vehicles and their support systems utilising metal hydrides” (HYDRIDE4MOBILITY) is in addressing critical issues towards a commercial implementation of hydrogen powered forklifts using metal hydride (MH) based hydrogen storage and PEM fuel cells together with the systems for their refuelling at industrial customers facilities. For these applications high specific weight of the metallic hydrides has an added value as it allows counterbalancing of a vehicle with no extra cost. Improving the rates of H2 charge/discharge in MH on the materials and system level simplification of the design and reducing the system cost together with improvement of the efficiency of system “MH store-FC” is in the focus of this work as a joint effort of consortium uniting academic teams and industrial partners from two EU and associated countries Member States (Norway Germany Croatia) and two partner countries (South Africa and Indonesia).<br/>The work within the project is focused on the validation of various efficient and cost-competitive solutions including (i) advanced MH materials for hydrogen storage and compression (ii) advanced MH containers characterised by improved charge-discharge dynamic performance and ability to be mass produced (iii) integrated hydrogen storage and compression/refuelling systems which are developed and tested together with PEM fuel cells during the collaborative efforts of the consortium.<br/>This article gives an overview of HYDRIDE4MOBILITY project focused on the results generated during its first phase (2017–2019).
Valorization and Sequestration of Hydrogen Gas from Biomass Combustion in Solid Waste Incineration NaOH Oxides of Carbon Entrapment Model (SWI-NaOH-OCE Model)
Dec 2019
The valorization of biomass-based solid wastes for both geotechnical engineering purposes and energy needs has been reviewed to achieve eco-friendly eco-efficient and sustainable engineering and reengineering of civil engineering materials and structures. The objective of this work was to review the procedure developed by SWI-NaOH-OCE Model for the valorization of biomass through controlled direct combustion and the sequestration of hydrogen gas for energy needs. The incineration model gave a lead to the sequestration of emissions released during the direct combustion of biomass and the subsequent entrapment of oxides of carbon and the eventual release of abundant hydrogen gas in the entrapment jar. The generation of geomaterials ash for the purpose of soil stabilization concrete and asphalt modification has encouraged greenhouse emissions but eventually the technology that has been put in place has made it possible to manage and extract these emissions for energy needs. The contribution from researchers has shown that hydrogen sequestration from other sources requires high amount of energy because of the lower energy states of the compounds undergoing thermal decomposition. But this work has presented a more efficient approach to release hydrogen gas which can easily be extracted and stored to meet the energy needs of the future as fuel cell batteries to power vehicles mobile devices robotic systems etc. More so the development of MXene as an exfoliated two-dimensional nanosheets with permeability and filtration selectivity properties which are connected to its chemical composition and structure used in hydrogen gas extraction and separation from its molecular combination has presented an efficient procedure for the production and management of hydrogen gas for energy purposes.
Efficient Hydrogen Storage in Defective Graphene and its Mechanical Stability: A Combined Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Dec 2020
A combined density functional theory and molecular dynamics approach is employed to study modifications of graphene at atomistic level for better H2 storage. The study reveals H2 desorption from hydrogenated defective graphene structure V222 to be exothermic. H2 adsorption and desorption processes are found to be more reversible for V222 as compared to pristine graphene. Our study shows that V222 undergoes brittle fracture under tensile loading similar to the case of pristine graphene. The tensile strength of V222 shows slight reduction with respect to their pristine counterpart which is attributed to the transition of sp2 to sp3-like hybridization. The study also shows that the V222 structure is mechanically more stable than the defective graphene structure without chemically adsorbed hydrogen atoms. The current fundamental study thus reveals the efficient recovery mechanism of adsorbed hydrogen from V222 and paves the way for the engineering of structural defects in graphene for H2 storage.
Combustion Characteristics of Diesel-hydrogen Dual Fuel Engine at Low Load
May 2013
In the present study hydrogen utilization as diesel engine fuel at low load operation was investigated. Hydrogen cannot be used directly in a diesel engine due to its auto ignition temperature higher than that of diesel fuel. One alternative method is to use hydrogen in enrichment or induction. To investigate the combustion characteristics of this dual fuel engine a single cylinder diesel research engine was converted to utilize hydrogen as fuel. Hydrogen was introduced to the intake manifold using a mixer before entering the combustion chamber. The engine was run at a constant speed of 2000 rpm and 10 Nm load. Hydrogen was introduced at the flow rate of 21.4 36.2 and 49.6 liter/minute. Specific energy consumption indicated efficiency and cylinder pressure were investigated. At this low load the hydrogen enrichment reduced the cylinder peak pressure and the engine efficiency. The reaction progress variable and combustion rate of reaction were slower as shown by the CFD calculation.
Thermodynamic Analysis of Hydrogen Utilization as Alternative Fuel in Cement Production
Jul 2022
Growing attention to the environmental aspect has urged the effort to reduce CO2 emission as one of the greenhouse gases. The cement industry is one of the biggest CO2 emitters in this world. Alternative fuel is one of the challenging issues in cement production due to the limited fossil fuel resources and environmental concerns. Meanwhile hydrogen (H2) has been reported as a promising non-carbon fuel with ammonia (NH3) as the main candidate for chemical storage methods. In this work an integrated system of cement production with an alternative H2-based fuel is proposed consisting of the dehydrogenation process of NH3 and the H2 combustion to provide the required thermal energy for clinker production. Different catalysts are employed and evaluated to analyze the specific energy input (SEI). The result shows that the conversion rate strongly determines the SEI with minimum SEI (3829.8 MJ t-clinker-1 ) achieved by Ni-Pt-based catalyst at a reaction temperature of 600 ºC. Compared to the conventional fuel of coal the H2-based integrated cement production system shows a significant decrease of 44% in CO2 emission due to carbon-free combustion using H2 as the fuel. The current study on the proposed integrated system of H2-based cement production also provides an initial thermodynamic analysis and basic observation for the adoption of non-carbon-based H2 including the storage system of NH3 in the cement production process.
Controlling the Pressure of Hydrogen-natural Gas Mixture in an Inclined Pipeline
Feb 2020
This paper discusses the optimal control of pressure using the zero-gradient control (ZGC) approach. It is applied for the first time in the study to control the optimal pressure of hydrogen natural gas mixture in an inclined pipeline. The solution to the flow problem is first validated with existing results using the Taylor series approximation regression analysis and the Runge-Kutta method combined. The optimal pressure is then determined using ZGC where the optimal set points are calculated without having to solve the non-linear system of equations associated with the standard optimization problem. It is shown that the mass ratio is the more effective parameter compared to the initial pressure in controlling the maximum variation of pressure in a gas pipeline.
Potential Renewable Hydrogen from Curtailed Electricity to Decarbonize ASEAN’s Emissions: Policy Implications
Dec 2020
The power generation mix of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is dominated by fossil fuels which accounted for almost 80% in 2017 and are expected to account for 82% in 2050 if the region does not transition to cleaner energy systems. Solar and wind power are the most abundant energy resources but contribute negligibly to the power mix. Investors in solar or wind farms face high risks from electricity curtailment if surplus electricity is not used. Employing the policy scenario analysis of the energy outlook modelling results this paper examines the potential scalability of renewable hydrogen production from curtailed electricity in scenarios of high share of variable renewable energy in the power generation mix. The study found that ASEAN has high potential in developing renewable hydrogen production from curtailed electricity. The study further found that the falling cost of renewable hydrogen production could be a game changer to upscaling the large-scale hydrogen production in ASEAN through policy support. The results implied a future role of renewable hydrogen in energy transition to decarbonize ASEAN’s emissions.
Optimal Planning of Renewable Energy Park for Green Hydrogen Production Using Detailed Cost and Efficiency Curves of PEM Electrolyzer
Jul 2024
Installing multi-renewable energy (RE) power plants at designated locations known as RE parks is a promising solution to address their intermittent power. This research focuses on optimizing RE parks for three scenarios: photovoltaic (PV)-only wind-only and hybrid PV-wind with the aim of generating green hydrogen in locations with different RE potentials. To ensure rapid response to RE fluctuations a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer is employed. Furthermore this research proposes detailed models for manufacturer-provided wind power curves electrolyzer efficiency against its operating power and electrolyzer cost towards its capacity. Two optimization cases are conducted in MATLAB evaluating the optimum sizes of the plants in minimizing levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) using classical discrete combinatorial method and determining the ideal PV-to-wind capacity ratio for operating PEM electrolyzer within hybrid PV-wind parks using particle swarm optimization. Numerical simulations show that wind power-based hydrogen production is more cost-effective than PV-only RE parks. The lowest LCOH $4.26/kg H2 and the highest LCOH $14.378/kg H2 are obtained from wind-only and PV-only configurations respectively. Both occurred in Adum-Kirkeby Denmark as it has highest average wind speed and lowest irradiance level. Notably LCOH is reduced with the hybrid PV-wind configuration. The results suggest the optimum PV-to-wind capacity ratio is 65:35 on average and indicate that LCOH is more sensitive to electrolyzer’s cost than to electricity tariff variation. This study highlights two important factors i.e. selecting the suitable location based on the available RE resources and determining the optimum size ratio between the plants within the RE park.
Analyzing the Adoption of Hybrid Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles in Indonesia: A Multi-criteria and Total Cost of Ownership Approach
Jan 2025
Indonesia faces mounting challenges from climate change and environmental degradation underscoring the need for sustainable transportation solutions. This study evaluates factors influencing the adoption of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) using Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) approaches. Eight key factors were analyzed: safety operational and maintenance costs initial cost government incentives charging speed resale value and environmental impact. Findings reveal that safety concerns particularly for hydrogen vehicles rank as the highest priority for consumers followed by cost efficiency and government support. Environmental considerations while significant were lower in priority. The study highlights the importance of targeted subsidies enhanced safety features and infrastructure investments to overcome barriers to adoption. By providing actionable recommendations such as raising public awareness of the long-term benefits of environmentally friendly vehicles this research supports policymakers in driving the transition to sustainable transportation in Indonesia. These insights contribute to addressing rising vehicle emissions and fostering the adoption of HEV5 BEV2 and HFCV6 aligning with Indonesia’s broader climate goals.
Vision for Indonesia’s 2050 Power Generation: Scenarios of Hydrogen Integration, Nuclear Energy Prospects, and Coal Phase-Out Impact
Jan 2025
Indonesia’s energy sector faces critical challenges due to its heavy reliance on coal as the dominant power source which contributes to environmental degradation and rising CO2 emissions resulting into transition needs for renewable energy as targeted inside Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) 2060. In addition to these hydrogen energy also shows great potential for Indonesia’s energy needs. However to date there are no extensive research in Indonesia that simulate the effect of hydrogen incorporation and coal phase-out policy for 2050 power generation system making this research a critical contribution to the exploration of Indonesia's energy landscape. This study utilizes the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP). There are four simulated power generation scenarios in this study: the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario the hydrogen incorporation (HYD) scenario the coal phase-out (CPO) scenario and the progressive (PRO) scenario. The analysis indicates that the BAU scenario emerges as the most cost-effective approach for meeting Indonesia’s future electricity demand. However due to its inability to fulfill NDCs the CPO scenario is shown to be more viable from practical and cost perspectives requiring 406.9 GW capacity and USD 114.6 billion investment. On the contrary The HYD scenario largely aligns Indonesia’s hydrogen target potentially contributing 1-5% of energy demand and reducing coal reliance. Additionally while the PRO scenario has the highest investment cost (USD 151.4 billion) it also provides the lowest plant capacities (367.1 GW) offering the highest outputto-capacity ratio. The result suggests the necessity to enact government collaboration and construct feasibility analysis to implement renewable energy development.
HYDRIDE4MOBILITY: An EU Project on Hydrogen Powered Forklift using Metal Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage and H2 Compression
Jan 2025
Volodymyr A. Yartys,
Mykhaylo V. Lototskyy,
Ivan Tolj,
José Bellosta von Colbe,
Roman V. Denys,
Moegamat Wafeeq Davids,
S. Nyallang Nyamsi,
Dana Swanepoel,
V.V. Berezovets,
I.Yu. Zavaliy,
Suwarno Suwarno,
I.J. Puszkiel,
Julian Jepsen,
Inês Abreu Ferreira,
Claudio Pistidda,
Yuanyuan Shang,
Sivakumar Pasupathi and
Vladimir Linkov
The EU Horizon2020 RISE project 778307 “Hydrogen fuelled utility and their support systems utilising metal hydrides” (HYDRIDE4MOBILITY) worked on the commercialization of hydrogen powered forklifts using metal hydride (MH) based hydrogen stores. The project consortium joined forces of 9 academic and industrial partners from 4 countries. The work program included a) Development of the materials for hydrogen storage and compression; b) Theoretical modelling and optimisation of the materials performance and system integration; c) Advanced fibre reinforced composite cylinder systems for H2 storage and compression; d) System validation. Materials development was focused on i) Zr/Ti-based Laves type high entropy alloys; ii) Mg-rich composite materials; iii) REMNiSn intermetallics; iv) Mg based materials for the hydrolysis process; v) Cost-efficient alloys. For the optimized AB2±x alloys the Zr/Ti content was optimized at A = Zr78-88Ti12–22 while B=Ni10Mn5.83VFe. These alloys provided a) Low hysteresis of hydrogen absorption-desorption; b) Excellent kinetics of charge and discharge; c) Tailored thermodynamics; d) Long cycle life. Zr0.85Ti0.15TM2 alloy provided a reversible H storage and electrochemical capacity of 1.6 wt% H and 450 mAh/g. The tanks development targeted: i) High efficiency of heat and hydrogen exchange; ii) Reduction of the weight and increasing the working H2 pressure; iii) Modelling testing and optimizing the H2 stores with fast performance. The system for power generation was validated at the Implats plant in a fuel cell powered forklift with on-board MH hydrogen storage and on-site H2 refuelling. The outcome on the HYDRIDE4MOBILITY project (2017–2024) (http://hydride4mobility.fesb.unist. hr) was presented in 58 publications.
Advancing Nickel-based Catalysts for Enhanced Hydrogen Production: Innovations in Electrolysis and Catalyst Design
Feb 2025
Nickel-based catalysts recognized for their cost-efficiency and availability play a critical role in advancing hydrogen production technologies. This study evaluates their optimization in water electrolysis to improve efficiency and system stability. Key findings highlight the enhancement of these catalysts with nickel-iron oxyhydroxide and nickel-molybdenum co-catalysts. Technological innovations such as Perovskite Solar Cells integration for solar-to-hydrogen conversion are explored. The use of nickel foam enhances electrode durability offering valuable insights into designing sustainable and efficient hydrogen production systems.
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