Spatially-resolved Analysis of the Challenges and Opportunities of Power-to-Gas (PtG) in Baden-Württemberg until 2040
Mar 2017
The increasing penetration of renewable energies will make new storage technologies indispensable in the future. Power-to-Gas (PtG) is one long-term storage technology that exploits the existing gas infrastructure. However this technology faces technical economic environmental challenges and questions. This contribution presents the final results of a large research project which attempted to address and provide answers to some of these questions for Baden-Württemberg (south west Germany). Three energy scenarios out to 2040 were defined one oriented towards the Integrated Energy and Climate Protection Concept of the Federal State Government and two alternatives. Timely-resolved load profiles for gas and electricity for 2015 2020 2030 and 2040 have been generated at the level of individual municipalities. The profiles include residential and industrial electrical load gas required for heating (conventional and current-controlled CHP) as well as gas and electricity demand for mobility. The installation of rooftop PV-plants and wind power plants is projected based on bottom up cost-potential analyses which account for some social acceptance barriers. Residential load profiles are derived for each municipality. In times with negative residual load the PtG technology could be used to convert electricity into hydrogen or methane. The detailed analysis of four structurally-different model regions delivered quite different results. While in large cities no negative residual load is likely due to the continuously high demand and strong networks rural areas with high potentials for renewables could encounter several thousand hours of negative residual load. A cost-effective operation of PtG would only be possible under favorable conditions including high full load hours a strong reduction in costs and a technical improvement of efficiency. Whilst these conditions are not expected to appear in the short to mid-term but may occur in the long term in energy systems with very high shares of renewable energy sources
How to Reduce the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Air Pollution Caused by Light and Heavy Duty Vehicles with Battery-electric, Fuel Cell-electric and Catenary Trucks
Mar 2021
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the greatest global challenges through 2050. Besides greenhouse gas emissions air pollution such as nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emissions has gained increasing attention in agglomerated areas with transport vehicles being one of the main sources thereof. Alternative fuels that fulfill the greenhouse gas reduction goals also offer the possibility of solving the challenge of rising urban pollution. This work focuses on the electric drive option for heavy and light duty vehicle freight transport. In this study fuel cell-electric vehicles battery-electric vehicles and overhead catenary line trucks were investigated taking a closer look at their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution and also considering the investment and operating costs of the required infrastructure. This work was conducted using a bottom-up transport model for the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. Two scenarios for reducing these emissions were analyzed at a spatial level. In the first of these selected federal highways with the highest traffic volume were equipped with overhead catenary lines for the operation of diesel-hybrid overhead trucks on them. For the second spatial scenario the representative urban area of the city of Cologne was investigated in terms of air pollution shifting articulated trucks to diesel-hybrid overhead trucks and rigid trucks trailer trucks and light duty vehicles to battery-electric or fuel cell-electric drives. For the economic analysis the building up of a hydrogen infrastructure in the cases of articulated trucks and all heavy duty vehicles were also taken into account. The results showed that diesel-hybrid overhead trucks are only a cost-efficient solution for highways with high traffic volume whereas battery overhead trucks have a high uncertainty in terms of costs and technical feasibility. In general the broad range of costs for battery overhead trucks makes them competitive with fuel cell-electric trucks. Articulated trucks have the highest potential to be operated as overhead trucks. However the results indicated that air pollution is only partially reduced by switching conventional articulated trucks to electric drive models. The overall results show that a comprehensive approach such as fuel cell-electric drives for all trucks would most likely be more beneficial.
Review of Power-to-X Demonstration Projects in Europe
Sep 2020
At the heart of most Power-to-X (PtX) concepts is the utilization of renewable electricity to produce hydrogen through the electrolysis of water. This hydrogen can be used directly as a final energy carrier or it can be converted into for example methane synthesis gas liquid fuels electricity or chemicals. Technical demonstration and systems integration are of major importance for integrating PtX into energy systems. As of June 2020 a total of 220 PtX research and demonstration projects in Europe have either been realized completed or are currently being planned. The central aim of this review is to identify and assess relevant projects in terms of their year of commissioning location electricity and carbon dioxide sources applied technologies for electrolysis capacity type of hydrogen post-processing and the targeted field of application. The latter aspect has changed over the years. At first the targeted field of application was fuel production for example for hydrogen buses combined heat and power generation and subsequent injection into the natural gas grid. Today alongside fuel production industrial applications are also important. Synthetic gaseous fuels are the focus of fuel production while liquid fuel production is severely under-represented. Solid oxide electrolyzer cells (SOECs) represent a very small proportion of projects compared to polymer electrolyte membranes (PEMs) and alkaline electrolyzers. This is also reflected by the difference in installed capacities. While alkaline electrolyzers are installed with capacities between 50 and 5000 kW (2019/20) and PEM electrolyzers between 100 and 6000 kW SOECs have a capacity of 150 kW. France and Germany are undertaking the biggest efforts to develop PtX technologies compared to other European countries. On the whole however activities have progressed at a considerably faster rate than had been predicted just a couple of years ago.
The Sector Coupling Concept: A Critical Review
Jun 2020
Pursued climate goals require reduced greenhouse gas emissions by substituting fossil fuels with energy from renewable sources in all energy-consuming processes. On a large-scale this can mainly be achieved through electricity from wind and sun which are subject to intermittency. To efficiently integrate this variable energy a coupling of the power sector to the residential transport industry and commercial/trade sector is often promoted called sector coupling (SC). Nevertheless our literature review indicates that SC is frequently misinterpreted and its scope varies among available research from exclusively considering the use of excess renewable electricity to a rather holistic view of integrated energy systems including excess heat or even biomass sources. The core objective of this article is to provide a thorough understanding of the SC concept through an analysis of its origin and its main purpose as described in the current literature. We provide a structured categorization of SC derived from our findings and critically discuss its remaining challenges as well as its value for renewable energy systems. We find that SC is rooted in the increasing use of variable renewable energy sources and its main assets are the flexibility it provides for renewable energy systems decarbonization potential for fossil-fuel-based end-consumption sectors and consequently reduced dependency on oil and gas extracting countries. However the enabling technologies face great challenges in their economic feasibility because of the uncertain future development of competing solutions.
Review and Harmonization of the Life-Cycle Global Warming Impact of PV-Powered Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis
Sep 2021
This work presents a review of life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies of hydrogen electrolysis using power from photovoltaic (PV) systems. The paper discusses the assumptions strengths and weaknesses of 13 LCA studies and identifies the causes of the environmental impact. Differences in assumptions of system boundaries system sizes evaluation methods and functional units make it challenging to directly compare the Global Warming Potential (GWP) resulting from different studies. To simplify this process 13 selected LCA studies on PV-powered hydrogen production have been harmonized following a consistent framework described by this paper. The harmonized GWP values vary from 0.7 to 6.6 kg CO2-eq/kg H2 which can be considered a wide range. The maximum absolute difference between the original and harmonized GWP results of a study is 1.5 kg CO2-eq/kg H2. Yet even the highest GWP of this study is over four times lower than the GWP of grid-powered electrolysis in Germany. Due to the lack of transparency of most LCAs included in this review full identification of the sources of discrepancies (methods applied assumed production conditions) is not possible. Overall it can be concluded that the environmental impact of the electrolytic hydrogen production process is mainly caused by the GWP of the electricity supply. For future environmental impact studies on hydrogen production systems it is highly recommended to 1) divide the whole system into well-defined subsystems using compression as the final stage of the LCA and 2) to provide energy inputs/GWP results for the different subsystems.
Hydrogen-Powered Aviation—Design of a Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft for Entry into Service in 2040
Mar 2023
Over the past few years the rapid growth of air traffic and the associated increase in emissions have created a need for sustainable aviation. Motivated by these challenges this paper explores how a 50-passenger regional aircraft can be hybridized to fly with the lowest possible emissions in 2040. In particular the use of liquid hydrogen in this aircraft is an innovative power source that promises to reduce CO2 and NOx emissions to zero. Combined with a fuel-cell system the energy obtained from the liquid hydrogen can be used efficiently. To realize a feasible concept in the near future considering the aspects of performance and security the system must be hybridized. In terms of maximized aircraft sustainability this paper analyses the flight phases and ground phases resulting in an aircraft design with a significant reduction in operating costs. Promising technologies such as a wingtip propeller and electric green taxiing are discussed in this paper and their potential impacts on the future of aviation are highlighted. In essence the hybridization of regional aircraft is promising and feasible by 2040; however more research is needed in the areas of fuel-cell technology thermal management and hydrogen production and storage.
The Role of Hydrogen for a Greenhouse Gas-neutral Germany by 2045
May 2023
This paper aims to provide a holistic analysis of the role of hydrogen for achieving greenhouse gas neutrality in Germany. For that purpose we apply an integrated energy system model which includes all demand sectors of the German energy system and optimizes the transformation pathway from today's energy system to a future cost-optimal energy system. We show that 412 TWh of hydrogen are needed in the year 2045 mostly in the industry and transport sector. Particularly the use of about 267 TWh of hydrogen in industry is essential as there are no cost-effective alternatives for the required emission reduction in the chemical industry or in steel production. Furthermore we illustrate that the German hydrogen supply in the year 2045 requires both an expansion of domestic electrolyzer capacity to 71 GWH2 and hydrogen imports from other European countries and Northern Africa of about 196 TWh. Moreover flexible operation of electrolyzers is cost-optimal and crucial for balancing the intermittent nature of volatile renewable energy sources. Additionally a conducted sensitivity analysis shows that full domestic hydrogen supply in Germany is possible but requires an electrolyzer capacity of 111 GWH2.
Blast Wave Generated by Delayed Ignition of Under-Expanded Hydrogen Free Jet at Ambient and Cryogenic Temperatures
Nov 2022
An under-expanded hydrogen jet from high-pressure equipment or storage tank is a potential incident scenario. Experiments demonstrated that the delayed ignition of a highly turbulent under-expanded hydrogen jet generates a blast wave able to harm people and damage property. There is a need for engineering tools to predict the pressure effects during such incidents to define hazard distances. The similitude analysis is applied to build a correlation using available experimental data. The dimensionless blast wave overpressure generated by delayed ignition and the follow-up deflagration or detonation of hydrogen jets at an any location from the jet ∆Pexp/P0 is correlated to the original dimensionless parameter composed of the product of the dimensionless ratio of storage pressure to atmospheric pressure Ps/P0 and the ratio of the jet release nozzle diameter to the distance from the centre of location of the fast-burning near-stoichiometric mixture on the jet axis (30% of hydrogen in the air by volume) to the location of a target (personnel or property) d/Rw. The correlation is built using the analysis of 78 experiments regarding this phenomenon in the wide range of hydrogen storage pressure of 0.5–65.0 MPa and release diameter of 0.5–52.5 mm. The correlation is applicable to hydrogen free jets at ambient and cryogenic temperatures. It is found that the generated blast wave decays inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the fast-burning portion of the jet. The correlation is used to calculate the hazard distances by harm thresholds for five typical hydrogen applications. It is observed that in the case of a vehicle with onboard storage tank at pressure 70 MPa the “no-harm” distance for humans reduces from 10.5 m to 2.6 m when a thermally activated pressure relief device (TPRD) diameter decreases from 2 mm to a diameter of 0.5 mm.
Carbon Footprint Assessment of Hydrogen and Steel
Dec 2022
Hydrogen has the potential to decarbonize a variety of energy-intensive sectors including steel production. Using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology the state of the art is given for current hydrogen production with a focus on the hydrogen carbon footprint. Beside the state of the art the outlook on different European scenarios up to the year 2040 is presented. A case study of the transformation of steel production from coal-based towards hydrogen- and electricity-based metallurgy is presented. Direct reduction plants with integrated electric arc furnaces enable steel production which is almost exclusively based on hydrogen and electricity or rather on electricity alone if hydrogen stems from electrolysis. Thus an integrated steel site has a demand of 4.9 kWh of electric energy per kilogram of steel. The carbon footprint of steel considering a European sustainable development scenario concerning the electricity mix is 0.75 kg CO2eq/kg steel in 2040. From a novel perspective a break-even analysis is given comparing the use of natural gas and hydrogen using different electricity mixes. The results concerning hydrogen production presented in this paper can also be transferred to application fields other than steel.
Ecological and Economic Evaluation of Hydrogen Production by Different Water Electrolysis Technologies
Jul 2020
The economic and ecological production of green hydrogen by water electrolysis is one of the major challenges within Carbon2Chem and other power-to-X projects. This paper presents an evaluation of the different water electrolysis technologies with respect to their specific energy demand carbon footprint and the forecast production costs in 2030. From a current perspective alkaline water electrolysis is evaluated as the most favorable technology for the cost-effective production of low-carbon hydrogen with fluctuating renewables.
A Model for Cost- and Greenhouse Gas Optimal Material and Energy Allocation of Biomass and Hydrogen
Nov 2022
BENOPT an optimal material and energy allocation model is presented which is used to assess cost-optimal and/or greenhouse gas abatement optimal allocation of renewable energy carriers across power heat and transport sectors. A high level of detail on the processes from source to end service enables detailed life-cycle greenhouse gas and cost assessments. Pareto analyses can be performed as well as thorough sensitivity analyses. The model is designed to analyse optimal biomass and hydrogen usage as a complement to integrated assessment and power system models
Biological CO2-Methanation: An Approach to Standardization
May 2019
Power-to-Methane as one part of Power-to-Gas has been recognized globally as one of the key elements for the transition towards a sustainable energy system. While plants that produce methane catalytically have been in operation for a long time biological methanation has just reached industrial pilot scale and near-term commercial application. The growing importance of the biological method is reflected by an increasing number of scientific articles describing novel approaches to improve this technology. However these studies are difficult to compare because they lack a coherent nomenclature. In this article we present a comprehensive set of parameters allowing the characterization and comparison of various biological methanation processes. To identify relevant parameters needed for a proper description of this technology we summarized existing literature and defined system boundaries for Power-to-Methane process steps. On this basis we derive system parameters providing information on the methanation system its performance the biology and cost aspects. As a result three different standards are provided as a blueprint matrix for use in academia and industry applicable to both biological and catalytic methanation. Hence this review attempts to set the standards for a comprehensive description of biological and chemical methanation processes.
What is Stored, Why, and How? Mental Models, Knowledge, and Public Acceptance of Hydrogen Storage
Nov 2016
Although electricity storage plays a decisive role for the German “Energiewende” and it has become evident that the successful diffusion of technologies is not only a question of technical feasibility but also of social acceptance research on electricity storage technologies from a social science point of view is still scarce. This study therefore empirically explores laypersons’ mindsets and knowledge related to storage technologies focusing on hydrogen. While the results indicate overall supportive attitudes and trust in hydrogen storage some misconceptions a lack of information as well as concerns were identified which should be addressed in future communication concepts.
Comparative TCO Analysis of Battery Electric and Hydrogen Fuel Cell Buses for Public Transport System in Small to Midsize Cities
Jul 2021
This paper shows the results of an in-depth techno-economic analysis of the public transport sector in a small to midsize city and its surrounding area. Public battery-electric and hydrogen fuel cell buses are comparatively evaluated by means of a total cost of ownership (TCO) model building on historical data and a projection of market prices. Additionally a structural analysis of the public transport system of a specific city is performed assessing best fitting bus lines for the use of electric or hydrogen busses which is supported by a brief acceptance evaluation of the local citizens. The TCO results for electric buses show a strong cost decrease until the year 2030 reaching 23.5% lower TCOs compared to the conventional diesel bus. The optimal electric bus charging system will be the opportunity (pantograph) charging infrastructure. However the opportunity charging method is applicable under the assumption that several buses share the same station and there is a “hotspot” where as many as possible bus lines converge. In the case of electric buses for the year 2020 the parameter which influenced the most on the TCO was the battery cost opposite to the year 2030 in where the bus body cost and fuel cost parameters are the ones that dominate the TCO due to the learning rate of the batteries. For H2 buses finding a hotspot is not crucial because they have a similar range to the diesel ones as well as a similar refueling time. H2 buses until 2030 still have 15.4% higher TCO than the diesel bus system. Considering the benefits of a hypothetical scaling-up effect of hydrogen infrastructures in the region the hydrogen cost could drop to 5 €/kg. In this case the overall TCO of the hydrogen solution would drop to a slightly lower TCO than the diesel solution in 2030. Therefore hydrogen buses can be competitive in small to midsize cities even with limited routes. For hydrogen buses the bus body and fuel cost make up a large part of the TCO. Reducing the fuel cost will be an important aspect to reduce the total TCO of the hydrogen bus.
Just Energy Transition: Learning from the Past for a More Just and Sustainable Hydrogen Transition in West Africa
Dec 2022
The rising demand for energy and the aim of moving away from fossil fuels and to low-carbon power have led many countries to move to alternative sources including solar energy wind geothermal energy biomass and hydrogen. Hydrogen is often considered a “missing link” in guaranteeing the energy transition providing storage and covering the volatility and intermittency of renewable energy generation. However due to potential injustice with regard to the distribution of risks benefits and costs (i.e. in regard to competing for land use) the large-scale deployment of hydrogen is a contested policy issue. This paper draws from a historical analysis of past energy projects to contribute to a more informed policy-making process toward a more just transition to the hydrogen economy. We perform a systematic literature review to identify relevant conflict factors that can influence the outcome of hydrogen energy transition projects in selected Economic Community of West African States countries namely Nigeria and Mali. To better address potential challenges policymakers must not only facilitate technology development access and market structures for hydrogen energy policies but also focus on energy access to affected communities. Further research should monitor hydrogen implementation with a special focus on societal impacts in producing countries.
New Control Strategy for Heating Portable Fuel Cell Power Systems for Energy-Efficient and Reliable Operation
Dec 2022
Using hydrogen fuel cells for power systems temperature conditions are important for efficient and reliable operations especially in low-temperature environments. A heating system with an electrical energy buffer is therefore required for reliable operation. There is a research gap in finding an appropriate control strategy regarding energy efficiency and reliable operations for different environmental conditions. This paper investigates heating strategies for the subfreezing start of a fuel cell for portable applications at an early development stage to enable frontloading in product engineering. The strategies were investigated by simulation and experiment. A prototype for such a system was built and tested for subfreezing start-ups and non-subfreezing start-ups. This was done by heating the fuel cell system with different control strategies to test their efficiency. It was found that operating strategies to heat up the fuel cell system can ensure a more reliable and energy efficient operation. The heating strategy needs to be adjusted according to the ambient conditions as this influences the required heating energy efficiency and reliable operation of the system. A differentiation in the control strategy between subfreezing and non-subfreezing temperatures is recommended due to reliability reasons.
Hydrogen Micro-Systems: Households’ Preferences and Economic Futility
Mar 2024
This study examines the potential market for residential hydrogen systems in light of the trends towards digitalisation and environmental awareness. Based on a survey of 350 participants the results indicate that although energy experts are sceptical about the benefits of residential hydrogen systems due to their high costs households are highly interested in this technology. The sample shows a willingness to invest in hydrogen applications with some households willing to pay an average of 24% more. An economic assessment compared the cost of a residential hydrogen system with conventional domestic energy systems revealing significant additional costs for potential buyers interested in hydrogen applications.
International Experience of Carbon Neutrality and Prospects of Key Technologies: Lessons for China
Feb 2023
Carbon neutrality (or climate neutrality) has been a global consensus and international experience exchange is essential. Given the differences in the degree of social development resource endowment and technological level each country should build a carbon-neutral plan based on its national conditions. Compared with other major developed countries (e.g. Germany the United States and Japan) China's carbon neutrality has much bigger challenges including a heavy and time-pressured carbon reduction task and the current energy structure that is over-dependent on fossil fuels. Here we provide a comprehensive review of the status and prospects of the key technologies for low-carbon near-zero carbon and negative carbon emissions. Technological innovations associated with coal oil-gas and hydrogen industries and their future potential in reducing carbon emissions are particularly explained and assessed. Based on integrated analysis of international experience from the world's major developed countries in-depth knowledge of the current and future technologies and China's energy and ecological resources potential five lessons for the implementation of China's carbon neutrality are proposed: (1) transformation of energy production pattern from a coal-dominated pattern to a diversified renewable energy pattern; (2) renewable power-to-X and large-scale underground energy storage; (3) integration of green hydrogen production storage transport and utilization; (4) construction of clean energy systems based on smart sector coupling (ENSYSCO); (5) improvement of ecosystem carbon sinks both in nationwide forest land and potential desert in Northwest China. This paper provides an international perspective for a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of carbon neutrality in China and can serve as a theoretical foundation for medium-long term carbon neutral policy formulation.
Underground Hydrogen Storage to Balance Seasonal Variations in Energy Demand: Impact of Well Configuration on Storage Performance in Deep Saline Aquifers
Mar 2023
Grid-scale underground hydrogen storage (UHS) is essential for the decarbonization of energy supply systems on the path towards a zero-emissions future. This study presents the feasibility of UHS in an actual saline aquifer with a typical dome-shaped anticline structure to balance the potential seasonal mismatches between energy supply and demand in the UK domestic heating sector. As a main requirement for UHS in saline aquifers we investigate the role of well configuration design in enhancing storage performance in the selected site via numerical simulation. The results demonstrate that the efficiency of cyclic hydrogen recovery can reach around 70% in the short term without the need for upfront cushion gas injection. Storage capacity and deliverability increase in successive storage cycles for all scenarios with the co-production of water from the aquifer having a minimal impact on the efficiency of hydrogen recovery. Storage capacity and deliverability also increase when additional wells are added to the storage site; however the distance between wells can strongly influence this effect. For optimum well spacing in a multi-well storage scenario within a dome-shaped anticline structure it is essential to attain an efficient balance between well pressure interference effects at short well distances and the gas uprising phenomenon at large distances. Overall the findings obtained and the approach described can provide effective technical guidelines pertaining to the design and optimization of hydrogen storage operations in deep saline aquifers.
Techno-economic Assessment of Long-distance Supply Chains of Energy Carriers: Comparing Hydrogen and Iron for Carbon-free Electricity Generation
Mar 2023
The effective usage of renewable energy sources requires ways of storage and delivery to balance energy demand and availability divergences. Carbon-free chemical energy carriers are proposed solutions converting clean electricity into stable media for storage long-distance energy trade and on-demand electricity generation. Among them hydrogen (H2) is noteworthy being the subject of significant investment and research. Metal fuels such as iron (Fe) represent another promising solution for a clean energy supply but establishing an interconnected ecosystem still requires considerable research and development. This work proposes a model to assess the supply chain characteristics of hydrogen and iron as clean carbon-free energy carriers and then examines case studies of possible trade routes between the potential energy exporters Morocco Saudi Arabia and Australia and the energy importers Germany and Japan. The work comprises the assessment of economic (levelized cost of electricity - LCOE) energetic (thermodynamic efficiency) and environmental (CO2 emissions) aspects which are quantified by the comprehensive model accounting for the most critical processes in the supply chain. The assessment is complemented by sensitivity and uncertainty analyses to identify the main drivers for energy costs. Iron is shown to be lower-cost and more efficient to transport in longer routes and for long-term storage but potentially more expensive and less efficient than H2 to produce and convert. Uncertainties related to the supply chain specifications and the sensitivity to the used variables indicate that the path to viable energy carriers fundamentally depends on efficient synthesis conversion storage and transport. A break-even analysis demonstrated that clean energy carriers could be competitive with conventional energy carriers at low renewable energy prices while carbon taxes might be needed to level the playing field. Thereby green iron shows potential to become an important energy carrier for long-distance trade in a globalized clean energy market.
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