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3D Quantitative Risk Assessment on a Hydrogen Refuelling Station in Shanghai


The number of hydrogen refuelling stations worldwide is growing rapidly in recent years. The first large capacity hydrogen refuelling station in China is under construction. A 3D quantitative risk assessment QRA)is conducted for this station. Hazards associated with hydrogen systems are identified. Leakage frequency of hydrogen equipment are analyzed. Jet flame, explosion scenarios and corresponding accident consequences are simulated. Risk acceptance criteria for hydrogen refuelling stations are discussed. The results show that the risk of this refuelling station is acceptable. And the maximum lethality frequency is 6.3*10-6. The area around compressors has the greatest risk. People should be avoided as far as possible from the compressor when the compressor does not need to be maintained. With 3D QRA, the visualization of the evaluation results will help stakeholders to observe the hazardous areas of the hydrogen refuelling station at a glance.

Related subjects: Safety

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