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Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Hydrogen Jet Fires for Industrial Safety Analyses – Comparison with Large-scale Experiments


Reliable predictive tools for hydrogen safety engineering are needed to meet increased and more widespread use of hydrogen in the society. Industrial models and methods used to establish thermal radiation hazard safety distances from hydrogen jet fires are often based on models previously developed for hydrocarbon jet fires. Their capability of predicting radiative heat fluxes from hydrogen jet fires has often only been validated against small-scale or medium-scale jet flame experiments. However, large-scale hydrogen jet fire experiments have shown that thermal radiation levels can be significantly higher than one might expect from extrapolation of experience on smaller hydrogen flames. Here, two large-scale horizontal hydrogen jet fires (from a 20.9 mm and a 52.5 mm diameter release, respectively) have been modelled and simulated with the advanced industrial CFD code KAMELEON FIREEX KFX® based on the Eddy Dissipation Concept by Magnussen for turbulent combustion modelling. The modelling of the high-pressure hydrogen gas releases is based on a pseudo-source concept using real-gas thermodynamic data for hydrogen. The discrete transport method of Lockwood and Shah is used to calculate the radiative heat transfer, and radiative properties of water vapour are modelled according to Leckner. The predicted thermal radiation is compared to data from large-scale hydrogen jet fire experiments and discussed. This work was conducted as part of a KFX-H2 R&D project supported by the Research Council of Norway.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Norway

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Modelling and numerical simulation of hydrogen jet fires for industrial safety analyses – Comparison with large-scale experiments

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