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Simulation of Deflagration-to-detonation Transition of Lean H2-CO-Air Mixtures in Obstructed Channels


The possibility of flame acceleration (FA) and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) when homogeneous hydrogen-carbon monoxide-air (H2-CO-air) mixtures are used rises the need for an efficient simulation approach for safety assessment. In this study a modelling approach for H2-CO-air flames, incorporating deflagration and detonation within one framework, is presented. It extends the previous work on H2-air mixtures. The deflagration is simulated by means of the turbulent flame speed closure model incorporating a quenching term. Since high flow velocities, e.g. the characteristic speed of sound of the combustion products, are reached during FA, the flow passing obstacles generates turbulence at high enough levels to partially quench the flame. Partial flame quenching has the potential to stall the onset of detonation. An altered formulation for quenching is introduced to the modelling approach to better account for the combustion characteristics for accelerating lean H2-CO-air flames. The presented numerical approach is validated with experimental flame velocity data of the small-scale GraVent test rig [1] with homogeneous fuel contents of 22.5 and 25.0 vol-% and fuel compositions of 75/25 and 50/50 vol-% H2/CO, respectively. The impact of the quenching term is further discussed on simulations of the FZK-7.2m test rig [2] whose obstacle spacing is smaller than the spacing in the GraVent test rig.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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Simulation of deflagration-to-detonation transition of lean H2-CO-Air mixtures in obstructed channels

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