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Hydrogen Deflagrations in Stratified Flat Layers in the Large-scale Vented Combustion Test Facility


This paper examines the flame dynamics of vented deflagration in stratified hydrogen layers. It also compares the measured combustion pressure transients with 3D GOTHIC simulations to assess GOTHIC’s capability in simulating the associated phenomena. The experiments were performed in the Large-Scale Vented Combustion Test Facility at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories. The stratified layer was formed by injecting hydrogen at a high elevation at a constant flow rate. The dominant parameters for vented deflagrations in stratified layers were investigated. The experimental results show that significant overpressures are generated in stratified hydrogen–air mixtures with local high concentration although the volume-averaged hydrogen concentration is non-flammable. The GOTHIC predictions capture the overall pressure dynamics of combustion very well, but the peak overpressures are consistently over-predicted, particularly with higher maximum hydrogen concentrations. The measured combustion overpressures are also compared with Molkov’s model prediction based on a layer-averaged hydrogen concentration.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Canada

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Hydrogen deflagrations in stratified flat layers in the large-scale vented combustion test facility

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