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Validation of a 3d Multiphase-multicomponent CFD Model for Accidental Liquid and Gaseous Hydrogen Releases


As hydrogen-air mixtures are flammable in a wide range of concentrations and the minimum ignition energy is low compared to hydrocarbon fuels, the safe handling of hydrogen is of utmost importance. Additional hazards may arise with the accidental spill of liquid hydrogen. Such a release of LH2 leads to a formation of a cryogenic pool, a dynamic vaporization process, and consequently a dispersion of gaseous hydrogen into the environment. Several LH2 release experiments as well as modelling approaches address this phenomenology. In contrast to existing approaches a new CFD model capable of simulating liquid and gaseous distribution was developed at Forschungszentrum Jülich. It is validated against existing experiments and yields no substantial lacks in the physical model and reveals a qualitatively consistent prediction. Nevertheless, the deviation between experiment and simulation raises questions on the completeness of the database, in particular with regard to the boundary conditions and available measurements.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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Validation of a 3D multiphase-multicomponent CFD model for accidental liquid and gaseous hydrogen releases

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