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Estimation of Final Hydrogen Temperature From Refueling Parameters


Compressed hydrogen storage is currently widely used in fuel cell vehicles due to its simplicity in tank structure and refuelling process. For safety reason, the final gas temperature in the hydrogen tank during vehicle refuelling must be maintained under a certain limit, e.g., 85 °C. Many experiments have been performed to find the relations between the final gas temperature in the hydrogen tank and refueling conditions. The analytical solution of the hydrogen temperature in the tank can be obtained from the simplified thermodynamic model of a compressed hydrogen storage tank, and it serves as function formula to fit experimental temperatures. From the analytical solution, the final hydrogen temperature can be expressed as a weighted average form of initial temperature, inflow temperature and ambient temperature inspired by the rule of mixtures. The weighted factors are related to other refuelling parameters, such as initial mass, initial pressure, refuelling time, refuelling mass rate, average pressure ramp rate (APRR), final mass, final pressure, etc. The function formula coming from the analytical solution of the thermodynamic model is more meaningful physically and more efficient mathematically in fitting experimental temperatures. The simple uniform formula, inspired by the concept of the rule of mixture and its weighted factors obtained from the analytical solution of lumped parameter thermodynamics model, is representatively used to fit the experimental and simulated results in publication. Estimation of final hydrogen temperature from refuelling parameters based on the rule of mixtures is simple and practical for controlling the maximum temperature and for ensuring hydrogen safety during fast filling process.

Related subjects: Safety

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Estimation of final hydrogen temperature from refuelling parameters

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