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Removing the Disrupting Wind Effect in Single Vented Enclosure Exposed to External Wind


We are addressing hydrogen release into a single-vented facility with wind blowing onto the opposite side of the vent wall. Earlier work based on tests performed by HSL with wind (within the HyIndoor project) and comparative CFD simulations with and without wind ([1],within the H2FC project), has shown that the hydrogen concentrations inside the enclosure are increased compared to the case with no wind. This was attributed to the fact that wind is disrupting the passive ventilation. The present work is based on the GAMELAN tests (within the HyIndoor project) performed with one vent and no wind. For this enclosure simulations were performed with and without wind and reproduced the disrupting wind effect. In order to remove this effect and enhance the ventilation additional simulations were performed by considering different geometrical modifications near the vent. A simple geometrical layout around the vent is here proposed that leads to elimination of the disrupting wind effect. The analysis has been performed using the ADREA-HF code, earlier validated both for the HSL and the GAMELAN tests. The current work was performed partly within HyIndoor project

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Greece

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Removing the disrupting wind effect in single vented enclosure exposed to external wind

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