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Effects of Radiation on the Flame Front of Hydrogen-air Explosions


The flame velocities of unconfined gas explosions depend on the cloud size and the distance from the initiating source. The mechanisms for this effect are not fully understood; a possible explanation is turbulence generated by the propagating flame front. The molecular bands in the flame front are exposed to continuously increasing radiation intensity of water bands in the interior of the reaction product ball. A first approach to verifying this assumption is described in this paper. The flame propagation was observed by high speed video techniques including time resolved spectroscopy in the UV-Vis-NIR spectral range with a time resolution up to 3,000 spectra/s. Ignition, flame head velocity, flame contours, reacting species and temperatures were evaluated. The evaluation used video brightness subtraction and 1-dimensional image contraction to obtain traces of the movements perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Flame front velocities are found to be between 16m/s and 25 m/s. Analysis focused in particular on the flame front, which is not smooth. Salients emerge on the surface to result in the well-known cellular structures. The radiation of various bands from the fire ball on the reacting species is estimated to have an influence on the flame velocity depending on the distance from initiation. Evaluation of OH-band and water band spectra might indicate might indicate higher temperatures of the flame front induced by radiation of the fireball. But it is difficult to verify the effect relative to competing flame acceleration mechanisms.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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Effects of radiation on the flame front of hydrogen-air explosions

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