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Overview of the DOE Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards Program part 2- Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Emphasizing Safety to Enable Commercialization


Safety is of paramount importance in all facets of the research, development, demonstration and deployment work of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Program. The Safety, Codes and Standards sub-program (SC&S) facilitates deployment and commercialization of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies by developing and disseminating information and knowledge resources for their safe use. A comprehensive safety management program utilizing the Hydrogen Safety Panel to raise safety consciousness at the project level and developing/disseminating a suite of safety knowledge resources is playing an integral role in DOE and SC&S efforts. This paper provides examples of accomplishments achieved while reaching a growing and diverse set of stakeholders involved in research, development and demonstration; design and manufacturing; deployment and operations. The work of the Hydrogen Safety Panel highlights new knowledge and the insights gained through interaction with project teams. Various means of collaboration to enhance the value of the program’s safety knowledge tools and training resources are illustrated and the direction of future initiatives to reinforce the commitment to safety is discussed.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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Overview of the DOE hydrogen safety codes and standards program part 2- Hydrogen and fuel cells, emphasizing safety to enable commercialization

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