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Purging Hydrogen Distribution Pipelines: Literature Review, Description of Recent Experiments and Proposed Future Work


The aim of the H21 project is to undertake measurements, analysis and field trials to support the safe repurposing of Great Britain’s natural gas distribution network for hydrogen. As part of this project, work has been ongoing to identify aspects of existing natural gas procedures that will need to be modified for hydrogen and to support the development of new procedures. This has included a review of the scientific basis of current displacement purging practices, analysis of the potential implications of switching from natural gas to hydrogen, and experimental support work. The reduced density and viscosity of hydrogen means that minimum purging velocities should (in principle) be higher for hydrogen to avoid stratification and ensure adequate removal of the purged gas during pipeline purging operations. A complicating factor is the high molecular diffusivity of hydrogen (roughly three times that of natural gas), which causes hydrogen to mix over short distances more rapidly than natural gas. Current models for pipeline purging do not take into account the mixing effect related to molecular diffusion. The wider flammable limits, lower ignition energy and greater potential for combustion to transition from deflagration to detonation with hydrogen means that indirect purging with nitrogen is currently being investigated for distribution pipelines. This paper reviews the ongoing analysis of hydrogen pipeline purging and discusses a potential future scientific programme of work aimed at developing a new pipeline purging model that accounts for molecular diffusion effects.

Funding source: The work undertaken by HSE and DNV in support of this project was carried out under contract to NGN as part of the H21 project. The H21 project is funded by Ofgem through the gas Network Innovation Competition (NIC).
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United Kingdom

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