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Developing a Generalized Framework for Assessing Safety of Hydrogen Vehicles in Tunnels


For widespread adoption of hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicles, such vehicles need to be able to provide similar transportation capabilities as their gasoline/diesel powered counterparts. Meeting this requirement in many regions will necessitate access to tunnels. Previous work completed at Sandia National Laboratories provided high-fidelity consequence modeling of hydrogen vehicle tunnel crashes for a specific fire scenario in selected Massachusetts tunnels. To consider additional tunnels, a generalized tunnel safety analysis framework is being developed. This framework aims to be broader than specific fire scenarios in specific tunnels, allowing it to be applied to a range of tunnel geometries, vehicle types, and crash scenarios. Initial steps in the development of the generalized framework are reported within this work. Representative tunnel characteristics are derived based on data for tunnels in the U.S. Tunnel dimensions, shapes, and traffic levels are among the many characteristics reported within the data that can be used to inform crash scenario specification. Various crash scenario parameters are varied using lower-fidelity consequence modeling to quantify the impact on resulting safety hazards for time-dependent releases. These lower-fidelity models consider the unignited dispersion of hydrogen gas, the thermal effects of jet fires, and potential impacts of overpressures. Different sizes/classes of vehicles are considered, as the total amount of hydrogen onboard may greatly affect scenario-specific consequences. The generalized framework will allow safety assessments to be both more agile and consistent when applied to different types of tunnels.

Funding source: "This work was supported by the Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, as part of the Safety Codes and Standards program under the direction of Laura Hill. This article has been authored by an employee of National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC under Contract No. DE-NA0003525 with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)."
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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