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Modeling of Tube Deformation and Failure under Conditions of Hydrogen Detonation


In case of accidental conditions involving high-speed hydrogen combustion, the considerable pressure and thermal loads could result in substantial deformation and/or destruction of the industrial appliances. Accounting of such effects in the safety analysis with CFD tools can provide critical information on the design and construction of the sensitive appliances’ elements. The current paper presents the development and the implementation of a new 3D-technique, which makes possible to perform simulations of the gas-dynamic processes simultaneously with adaptation of the geometry of complex configurations. Using the data obtained in the experiments on the flame acceleration and DDT in the tubes of industrial arrangements performed in MPA and KIT, the authors performed a series of the combustion simulations corresponding to the experimental conditions. The combustion gas-dynamics was simulated using COM3D code and the tube wall material behavior was modelled using finite-element code ABAQUS - © Dassault Systèmes with real-time data exchange between the codes. Obtained numerical results demonstrated good agreement with the observed experimental data on both pressure dynamics and tube deformation history.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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