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Hydrogen Dispersion in a Full-scale Road Tunnel: Experimental Results and CFD Analysis


Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (HFC EVs) represent an alternative to replace current internal combustion engine vehicles. The use of these vehicles with storage of compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) in confined spaces, such as tunnels, underground car parks, etc., creates new challenges to ensure the protection of people and property and to keep the risk at an acceptable level. The HYTUNNEL-CS project sponsored by the FCH-JU was launched to develop validated hazard and risk assessment tools for the behavior of hydrogen leaks in tunnels. Among the experiments carried out in support of the validation tools, the CEA has conducted tests on gas dispersion in a full-scale tunnel geometry. In the tests carried out, hydrogen is replaced by helium under a pressure of 70 MPa in a 78 liter tank. The car is simulated by a flat plate called chassis and the discharges are made either downwards under the chassis, or upwards to take into account a rollover of the car during the accident. Different thermally activated pressure relief device (TPRD) diameters are examined as well as different orientations of the discharge. Finally, the mixing transient of helium with air is measured for distances between -50 and +50m from the release. Performing CFD simulations of such an under-expanded jet in an environment as large as a road tunnel demands a compressible flow solver, and so a large computational cost. To optimize this cost, a notional nozzle approach is generally used to replace the under-expanded jet by a subsonic jet that has the same concentration dilution behavior. The physics at the injection point is then not resolved and a model of these boundary conditions has to be implemented. This article first reviews the main experimental results. Then, a model of boundary conditions is proposed to have a subsonic hydrogen jet that matches the dilution characteristics of an under-expanded jet. Furthermore, this model is implemented in the TRUST LES computer code and in the Neptune-CFD RANS computer code in order to simulate some helium dispersion experiments. Finally, results from the CFD simulations are compared to the experimental results and the effect of the exact shape of the tunnel is also assessed by comparing simulations with idealized flat walls and real scanned walls.

Funding source: HyTunnel-CS project has received funding from the FCH2 JU under grant agreements No.826193. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.
Related subjects: Safety
Countries: France

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