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Radiation from Hydrogen Jet Fires Investigated by Time-resolved Spectroscopy


Jet fires develop on release of hydrogen from pressurized storage depending on orifice, pressures and volumes. Risks arise from flame contact, dispersion of hot gases and heat radiation. The latter varies strongly in time at short scales down to milliseconds caused by turbulent air entrainment and fluctuations. These jets emit bands of OH in the UV and water in the NIR and IR spectral range. These spectra enable the temperature measurement and the estimation of the air number of the measuring spot which can be used to estimate the total radiation at least from the bright combustion zones. Compared to video and IR camera frames the radiation enables to estimate species and temperatures distributions and total emissions. Impurities generate continuum radiation and the emission of CO2 in the IR indicates air entrainment which can be compared to CHEMKIN II calculation of the reaction with air.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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Radiation from hydrogen jet fires investigated by time-resolved spectroscopy

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