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Numerical Simulation of Underexpanded Cryogenic Hydrogen Jets


As a clean and renewable energy carrier, hydrogen is one of the most promising alternative fuels. Cryogenic compressed hydrogen can achieve high storage density without liquefying hydrogen, which has good application prospects. Investigation of the safety problems of cryogenic compressed hydrogen is necessary before massive commercialization. The present study modeled the instantaneous flow field using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for cryogenic (50 and 100 K) underexpanded hydrogen jets released from a round nozzle of 1.5 mm diameter at pressures of 0.5-5.0 MPa. The simulation results were compared with the experimental data for validation. The axial and radial concentration and velocity distributions were normalized to show the self-similar characteristics of underexpanded cryogenic jets. The shock structures near the nozzle were quantified to correlate the shock structure sizes to the source pressure and nozzle diameter. The present study on the concentration and velocity distributions of underexpanded cryogenic hydrogen jets is useful for developing safety codes and standards.

Related subjects: Safety

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