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QRA Including Utility for Decision Support of H2 Infrastructure Licensing


Rational decision making in land use planning and licensing of H2 infrastructure surrounded by other industrial activities and population should take account of individual and societal risks. QRA produces a risk matrix of potential consequences versus event probabilities that is shrouded in ambiguity and lacking transparency. NIMBY and conflict are lurking. To counter these issues, risk analysts should therefore also determine the utilities of decision alternatives, which describe desirability of benefits on a single scale. Rationally weighing risks versus benefits results in more transparent and defendable decisions. Example risk analyses of two types of refuelling stations and three hydrogen supply transportation types applying Influence Diagram/BBNs are worked out. Keywords: risk assessment, influence diagram, decision making, land use planning

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: United States

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QRA Including Utility for Decision Support of H2 Infrastructure Licensing

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