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Shock Tube Experiments on Flame Propagation Regimes and Critical Conditions for Flame Acceleration and Detonation Transition for Hydrogen-air Mixtures at Cryogenic Temperatures


A series of more than 100 experiments with hydrogen-air mixtures at cryogenic temperatures have been performed in a shock tube in the frame of the PRESLHY project. A wide range of hydrogen concentrations from 8 to 60%H2 in the shock tube of the length of 5 m and 50 mm id was tested at cryogenic temperatures from 80 to 130K at ambient pressure. Flame propagation regimes were investigated for all hydrogen compositions in the shock tube at three different blockage ratios (BR) 0, 0.3 and 0.6 as a function of initial temperature. Pressure sensors and InGaAs-photodiodes have been applied to monitor the flame and shock propagation velocity of the process. The experiments at ambient pressure and temperature were conducted as the reference data for cryogenic experiments. A critical expansion ratio for an effective flame acceleration to the speed of sound was experimentally found at cryogenic temperatures. The detonability criterion for smooth and obstructed channels was used to evaluate the detonation cell sizes at cryogenic temperatures as well. The main peculiarities of cryogenic combustion with respect to the safety assessment were that the maximum combustion pressure was several times higher compared to ambient temperature and the run-up-distance to detonation was several times shorter independent of lower chemical reactivity at cryogenic conditions.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Germany

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