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Hydrogen Wide Area Monitoring of LH2 Releases at HSE for the PRESLHY Project


The characterization of liquid hydrogen (LH2) releases has been identified as an international research priority to facilitate the safe use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Empirical field measurements such as those afforded by Hydrogen Wide Area Monitoring can elucidate the behavior of LH2 releases, which can then be used to support and validate dispersion models. Hydrogen Wide Area Monitoring can be defined as the quantitative three-dimensional spatial and temporal profiling of planned or unintentional hydrogen releases. The NREL Sensor Laboratory developed a Hydrogen Wide Area Monitor (HyWAM) based upon a distributed array of hydrogen sensors. The NREL Sensor Laboratory and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) formally committed to collaborate on profiling GH2 and LH2 releases, which allowed for the integration of the NREL HyWAM into the HSE LH2 release behavior investigation supported by the FCH JU Prenormative Research for the Safe Use of Liquid Hydrogen (PRESLHY) program. A HyWAM system was deployed consisting of 32 hydrogen measurement points and co-located temperature sensors distributed downstream of the LH2 release apparatus developed by HSE. In addition, the HyWAM deployment was supported by proximal wind and weather monitors. In a separate presentation at this conference, “HSE Experimental Summary for the Characterisation, Dispersion and Electrostatic Hazards of LH2 for the PRESLHY Project”, HSE researchers summarize the experimental apparatus and protocols utilized in the HSE LH2 releases that were performed under the auspices of PRESLHY. As a supplement to the HSE presentation, this presentation will focus on the spatial and temporal behavior LH2 releases as measured by the NREL HyWAM. Correlations to ambient conditions, such as wind speed and direction, plume temperature and hydrogen concentrations will be discussed in addition to the design and performance of the NREL HyWAM, and its potential for improving hydrogen facility safety.

Funding source: The HSE PRESLHY project received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779613. The contents of this paper, including any opinions and/or conclusions expressed, are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect HSE policy.
Related subjects: Safety

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