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Hydrogen Fuelling Station, CEP-Berlin – Safety Risk Assessment and Authority Approval Experience and Lessons Learned


The CEP (Clean Energy Partnership) – Berlin is one of the most diversified hydrogen demonstration projects at present. The first hydrogen fuelling station serving 16 cars is fully integrated in an ordinary highly frequented Aral service station centrally located at Messedamm in Berlin. Hydro has supplied and is the owner of the electrolyser with ancillary systems. This unit produces gaseous hydrogen at 12 bar with use of renewable energy presently serving 13 of the cars involved. The CEP project is planned to run for a period of five years and is supported by the German Federal Government and is part of the German sustainability strategy. During the planning and design phase there have been done several safety related assessments and analyses:

  • Hydro has carried out a HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability) analysis of the electrolyser and ancillary systems delivered by Hydro, Electrolysers.
  • Hydro arranged with support from the partners a HAZOP analysis of the interface between the electrolyser and the compressor, an interface with two different suppliers on each side.
  • A QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment) of the entire fuelling station has been carried out.
  • Hydro has carried out a quantitative explosion risk analysis of the electrolyser container supplied by Hydro Electrolysers.
The aim in the CEP-Berlin project was to follow the guidelines from the European Integrated Hydrogen Project, phase 2, (EIHP2) [1] when planning and designing a new hydrogen fuelling station. These guidelines focus on installation and operation of hydrogen refuelling stations, and were based upon best practice and knowledge from the industrial partners in EIHP 2. The explosion risk analysis for the CEP-Berlin facility demonstrated that the safety risk was acceptable if certain design modifications were carried out. Both Aral/BP and Hydro accepted the results from the quantitative risk assessments. These companies have also their own standards regarding safety acceptance criteria, which have to be complied with. The fuelling station was opened November 12 2004, and was put in normal operation during winter 2005.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Norway

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