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Canadian Hydrogen Safety Program.


This paper discusses the rationale, structure and contents of the Canadian Hydrogen Safety Program developed by the Codes & Standards Working Group of the Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance consisting of representatives from industry, academia, government, and regulators. The overall program objective is to facilitate acceptance of the products, services and systems of the Canadian Hydrogen Industry by the Canadian Hydrogen Stakeholder Community to facilitate trade, ensure fair insurance policies and rates, ensure effective and efficient regulatory approval procedures and to ensure that the interests of the general public are accommodated. The Program consists of four projects including Comparative Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Refuelling Stations; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modelling Validation, Calibration and Enhancement; Enhancement of Frequency and Probability Analysis, and Consequence Analysis of Key Component Failures of Hydrogen Systems; and Fuel Cell Oxidant Outlet Hydrogen Sensor Project. The Program projects are tightly linked with the content of the IEA Task 19 Hydrogen Safety. The Program also includes extensive (destructive and non-destructive) testing of hydrogen components.

Related subjects: Safety
Countries: Canada

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Canadian Hydrogen Safety Program.

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